Rumor has it that the Louisville male high school had its beginnings in the Gideon Shyrock style building shown below at right, a building which had been previous to April nineteen fifty-six the university of Louisville law school building. This building and others which became the Louisville medical school were demolished in the seventies after falling into the hands of the urban renewal people. On this block, now renamed the Kentucky tech campus, operates a state vocational school.
Tiring of Shyrock, the school boys and their professors moved into the former female high school – shown in its fin-de-Siecle splendor on first street near chestnut- below left – in nineteen ninety-eight. When the girls were blessed with a new building at sixth and hill streets, – which. Too, has been demolished within living memory for the construction of a marvelous Louisville fire department structure complete with sliding poles.
For three long years, six semesters that is, from September of nineteen thirty-nine through June of nineteen forty-two, after delivering a hundred plus courier-journal morning newspapers in his highlands neighborhood on his trusty balloon – tyred bicycle, at five-thirty in the morning, Wrye would slip into something more militant – his R.O.T.C uniform – and wait impatiently for the trolley car, in the cold or heat, in rain, or snow, or sleet, in dark or shine, to fetch him off to brook and Broadway, about an half an hour away, from which he hot-footed it through rain, or snow, or sleet, in dark or shine, three blocks to the southward to attend the daily exhilarating marching band practice, marching and tooting about upon a muddy football field behind this imposing edifice posing here on downtown brook street, – before classroom classes started up at eight-thirty ante meridiem for real.
Built in nineteen fifteen, this ornate palace of learning was but twenty-seven years old when Wrye was ejected into the warring world. In nineteen ninety-nine it is to be torn down with the blessings of the school-board to make room for some kind of a day-care center or such.
It is not the school building which is at fault in its own demise, it is the six-lane interstate number sixty-five motor expressway just fifty feet west of brook street raised up upon a berm which has insouciantly destroyed the building’s usefulness. The continuous deafening roar of rubber on concrete penetrates the male high school building to the point abject exasperation.
So be it!
900 south brook street at Breckenridge
The graduating class of June nineteen hundred and forty-two
About three hundred showed up for diplomas at the memorial auditorium that hot night of. June the eighth more than a half century ago. World war two was in full bloom and not going so well having started off poorly for the U. S. Of a. Out in the Pacific Ocean. The commencement speeches are all forgotten, but it would not be difficult to conjure up several trite replicas given
The circumstances. Most of Wrye’s classmates. joined up and went over. Some came back.
Printed here, is the masterlist with no further comment.
James Adair
Milton C. Adler
Arthur Slater Allen
Edward W. Alvey
Bertrand M. Anz
Max E. Archer
Charles H. Arms
Francis A. Bade
Paul Bailey
Albert Johnson Barnes
David H. Bauer
Paul A. Bauer
Haskell S. Bazell
Gordon C. Beck
Edward F. Bell
Richard Bensinger
Edgar H. Beagiund
Clifford L. Berner
Edward William Billharz
Philip Lee Blumenthal. Jr.
Harry Louis Bockman
Ray Lames Boone
Fred W. Bornhauser
Malachi Charles Boughen
Kenneth Harold Bower
Walker Hill Bowman
William A. Braune
Clyde L. Breland. Jr.
Donald H. Brown
Harry C. Browning
Cletus W. Brumleve
Herbert Debaun Bryant
Paul I. Bryars. Jr.
Hulin Lee Bundy
Eugene M. Campbell
Louis F. Carey
James Logan Carter
James Pryor Castleman. II
Donald G. Catlin
Paul Edward Chesher
Joe Peary Childress
Fred G. Claypool
Elmo C. Clubb
Stuart W. Cohen
Fletcher B. Cole
John Mortimer Colter
Irvin Francis Conely
John Shouse Cordon
William F. Cowell. Jr.
William Crawford
- Calvin Crim
Welby Erick Dahlman
Jack Roland Denson
Roderick Douglas Dew
Clyde George Diemer
James E. Dillon
Samuel W. Distler
Charles Kermrr Downs
- Calvin Ounnavan
Alvin Henry Durham
Richard E Dysart
Howard Davis Ege
William E. Ehlig
Carl Kenneth Eisenmenger
Robert Craig Ernst. Jr.
George Henry Esselmann. Ir.
Charles C. Faulkner. Ir.
Calvin Day Fields
Benedict Finzer. V
Arthur H. Fleischaker
Armin W. Fleischman
Charles H. Ford
Ray Ford
Joseph W. Fowler
William B. Fowler
Robert C. Fraim
Osborne Fremd
Robert Bruce French
Wm. P. Friedlander
Anthony P. Gannon
Elmer B. Gausepohl
John Hughes Gehant
Howard Edmonds Gerlaugh
Bill George Gianacakes
Richard H. Gilbert
Raymond E. Gilson
George Thomas Glenn. Jr.
David S. Goldstein
Richard Woelpert Goranflo
Robert C. Grammar
Robert Bryant Grant
Arthur O. Grossman
William C. Gutgsell
- Robert Gutmann
John Mccabe Hall
Paul Donald Hammond
Edward K. Hand
William Thomas Hardin
Charles L. Hargrave
Brooks L. Hargrove. Jr.
Morris Hatfield
Frederic Carl Hauck
John Sayre Hayman
Robert Haysley
Emil Hebel
Paul Louis Heckaman
William C. Heizer
Stuart Hendershot
Bueford Gilbert Herbert
Dillard Hockersmith
Merlin Joseph Hogan
Harry E. Holt
Edward W. Holzknecht
Albert L. Hopkins. Jr.
Jesse Clyde Hornback
William Burns Hornback
George Matt Howard
William Gray Hume
John T. Hussung
John S. Ice
Arthur Hoff Isaacs
Calvin Ray James
Kenneth O’dell James
Nelson Richard Jamison
John William Jennings
James M. Johnston
Gale Jones
Harrison Houston Jones
Theo. S. Judo
Herman J. Kaiser
Sylvester Ernest Lee Kanzler William Martin Keely
Robert H. Kerrh
George C. Keller
Roy Gluint Kelley
Walker Warder Kemper
Leroy E. Kennedy
- I. Kear. Jr.
Robert Duvall Kincheloe
Edmond 0. King
Arnold Mceuen Kirk
William Thomas Klapheke
Hilmar Kleeman
Bill Harold Kiefer
Warren G. Klasterman
Edward Theodore Kornhauser Max Phillip Kreitman
Vernie C. Lawrence
William M. Lee
Narbert Anthony Leppert
Alvin F. Levin
Charles Wood Lewis
Emery Frederick Lewis
Jack W. Lrrzlnger
Richard A. Lockard
Carroll H. Luhr. Jr.
- David Mcclure
James Vernon Mccullough
Noel 0. Mcdonald
Raymond Lee Mcdonald
Cecil F. Mcgee
Robert Eugene Mcgee
Roberts Alan Mcglasson
Dan Davis Mcguire
Robert Christie Mciver. Ia.
Roger Paxton Madison
Herman William Marcus. Jr.
Garvin Willis Martin
Homer Bolin Martin
Robert Elliott Mathis
John E. Maurer
James Lee Mehne
Gordon Bennett Messick
Edmund Davison Millea.Jr.
Perry Robert Millea. Jr.
John Martin Moorhatch
William H. Mootz
Kenneth Eugene Moreland
Lee Morguelan
Orson Holland Morrow. Jr. Curtis Martin Moavec
Donald I. Myatt
John Edward Nail
Dale B. Neuoecker
Merle Newton. Jr.
Sgiuire Elbert Nichols
William Forst Nichols
Timmons Telfred Owens
Anthony L. Paalz
Stuart Randolph Paine
David Willard Parsons
Aubrey Kenton Pate
Rollin Marcum Patton
Allen Phillip Pearson
William Marvin Petty. Jr.
Kenneth William Pheiller
Albert Sidney Phillips. Jr.
George Edward Phillips
Sidney Albert Phillips
Kenneth Malcolm Philpot
Donald Joseph Pike
Augustus Grady Poe
James Bowling Pratt
Albert C. Price
Edgar Benton Proctor
Matthew Brady Gluinn
Robert I. Reagan
Donald K. Aeccius
Paul Carey Reio
Kenneth Robert Renner
Raymond E. Rhodes
James Edgar Richards
Dan Martin Richardson
Albert Rieser
Joseph Haynes Riggs
William Joseph Roehrig
Wallace A. Rose
William (Billi Francis Rose
Donald Jay Roth
Harry D. Auoenshiolo
William B. Rush
Edward S. Saag
- Earl Sandusky
Mark Whrrney Sauas
Allen Charles Schanz
George Albert Schifferoeckea Frank Oldham Schooler
Lawrence B. Schuster
Aron Schwartz
Louis Seelbach
Hughes V. Sewell
Jack Leonard Shapero
William Joseph Siemens
Joseph Lyle Simpson
Bob E. Skarman
- Dale Slater
Clarence A. Smith. Jr.
Charles Edgar Solley
Lamar Pound Speier
Donald C. Spencer
George Mcclellan Staples. Jr.
Giles Leslie Stephens
James Ogden Stiles
Robert Louis Stiles
Jeffery Stokes Story
Rigdon Haynes Stroud
Dan John Sullivan
Morton A. Tenenbaum
Edward Michael Thoben. Jr.
Kenneth Conrad Thomas
Hugh Ailey Thornberry
Robert A. Troxell
Edward Swrrow
James N. Taylor
James Knox Vanarsdale
Burton H. Vandyke
William M. Vangundy
Robert Lewis Veeneman
Herbert Allen Vinson
William Joseph Vonsick. Jr.
Frederick W. Wagner. Ill
- Ben Ward
Robert Johnson Watts
Frank Roger Weber
Bernard Joseph Wehrle
Franklin Levaughn Wheeler
Robert George Wiederhold
James Allen Williams
William Charles Willock
Charles Edgar Wilson
Curtis Hardin Winfrey
Joseph Wolf. Jr.
- L. Waight
Leo Wrye
Joseph Oscar Young
Roy Young
William Z. Young
Richard G. Youngerman
At attention stands Wrye’s ” i ” company. This is wartime serious – at the very brink. Wrye and his doughty camarades, to-be avengers of pearl harbor and blitzkkrieg – it was may of ninety-two – armed with nineteen-o-three bolt-action Springfield rifles, the officers with polished sabers, these toughened troops stand tall. With their polished shoes and brass buttons, they would strike fear and wreak havoc across treacherous seas world-war wide, everywhere.
The graduating seniors had trained for three years daily, except Saturday and Sunday, learning to stand at “attention” · to stand at ease” · to stand at “parade-rest” • “right-face” · “left-face” · “about-face” • “forward march”. “to the rear march” • “column-left march” · “column-right march” · “right-oblique march” · “left-oblique march” · “double-time march” · “quick-time march” · “break-step march” · [for crossing little bridges] · “right-shoulder arms” • “left-shoulder arms” – “present arms”. “trail arms” • “inspect arms” • “sling arms” • “break ranks”. “smoke ’em if ya got ’em” – “fall-in”. “fall our etcetera.
All of this desperate training was very jejune. It probably saved a lot of enemy lives, as killing was not emphasized.
* Reserve officers training corps – Wrye may almost be discerned at almost the very back of the pack wearing an officers dress cap.
Mouthing such faggoty crap as this.
Whenever the time came to clasp one’s hand to heart and break into stirring “dear olds” Wrye had a trumpet stuck in his face trying to fortissimo-ly blow away this embarrassing childish blather with blaring clarion blast,
in retrospect Wrye supposed that that high school was no more mediocre than the common run of high schools festering all over the state, -or even the nation, it was just bigger than most and could multiply its “mediocreness” by a factor of n,
The boring routine-bound elderly Profesors were probably cow-college graduates insufficient to the task of a college or university. The students were common run of the mill average future insurance salesman, or less, who were primarily caught up in the thrill of the football rivalries, whilst the city itself was a backwoods burg smoldering in the ruins of the depression, stagnant and un-imaginative – growing not up, only out.
Wrye had few fond memories of “dear old high school.” or “dear old high school days” -in fact, he seemed to have consciously blanked-out most of that drear treadmill of consummate mediocrity from his otherwise consummate memory.