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The university brinks on becoming art center  1 Volume one number seven December 28 1958
Yen she in the hoptoy makes art a dull boy  2 Volume one number eight January 12 1959
No arts in Louisville without arts in Louisville 3 Volume one number nine January 28 1959
Lorenzo and Giulano were entombed by Michelangelo 4 Volume one number ten February 08 1959
Yet who’s so blind, but says he sees it not? 5 Volume one number eleven February 23 1959
The shallow grasp of the denominator 6 Volume one number “twelve march 09 1959
0 pity, pity, the starving artist 7 Volume one number thirteen march 23 1959
Plato’s blade still carves the artist’s heart 8 Volume one number fourteen April 08 1959
Communication and rye whiskey 9 Volume one number fifteen April 20 1959
Of boredom , involvement, and lust 10 Volume one number sixteen may 5 1959
Creation and re-creation and kicks! 11 Volume one number seventeen may 18 1959
Arts and yawns in Louisville 12 Volume one number eighteen June 01 1959



1959, a fine round number with which to mark the start of a century of art in Louisville. 

Recent insertions in the daily press concerning certain Louisville fund budgetary problems have brought to surface half submerged inner-conflicts in the local world of art that threaten to generate, now that they are aired, living and breathing art in the community. The source of art interest and activity in a city should be its art school. An art school is a place in which the enthusiasm of young people is sparked; interaction between student and student and student and teacher chain react into an ever growing product of creative activity, attracting gravity-like, as it grows in size. 

Louisville to date has been rather weak in establishing much of a gravitational field in its fine art field. 

The university of Louisville can be commended on its strong art history department which is complemented by an excellent art library. Its creative art department has been cast as stepchild, has been boarded-out, and sort of benignly tolerated as a lesser member of the family. (it must be said, however, that in spite of this regretful neglectful relegation, its staff has fought an admirable battle.) 

Involved, and most generously, is the art center association school, for many years the only voice of art in Louisville. This private organization since 1948 has accepted and taught first and second year students of the university, at a saving to the university, but at a loss to the university art department in the long run, and probably to the community as a whole. 

As the university budget for the university art department could be spared in this farming-out operation, the university was more than willing to continue this pleasant relationship, thus averting the need for studios on campus, save one, that ironic conversion from sacred to profane, the old bible class chapel in which Mr. Wilke now says linseed oil mass. (it might be noted that the art department through the Allen R. Hite gift comes very close to supporting itself through coupon-clipping; that the university has been fortunate enough to have an art department, possibly a necessary evil, at very little cost to the general fund).

Upon completion of the new student center the art department saw at last the possibility of a new home. Not there in the new building, but in the abandoned frame former naval mess hall, recently student-faculty cafeteria on ship street. This promised (although not ivy-covered, gleaming glass and aluminum) edifice does enclose rather wonderful space for painting and sculpture studios. The vision of an on-campus creative art department so inspired the administration with concepts of unity, unification, integration, and the like, that a note was forwarded to the art center association, suggesting that they would no longer be required to participate in the U.L. scheme of things; that a withdrawal action was to begin. 

(to complicate matters in an even more pleasant manner, Mr. Reynolds has just donated more abandoned property in the form of a quite large office building one floor of which would neatly house the entire department of art. When and if this property is parcelled out, we hope that the art department has a straw in the drawing.) 

This obviously uneconomical (Dollar-wise) severing with the art center and its long provided assist to the university has been prompted, we assume, by the realization on the part of the administration that the development of a positive and well integrated program of fine art instruction has been hindered by this past association, and that only on its own two feet can the department grow and attract good sudents and good teachers. 

It has been suggested that a man of some talent and eminence be imported to establish a fundamental training course, a basic training of two years’ duration to feed better equipped students into the senior years. Such a program, well organized and implemented, well publicized and above all genuinely supported by the university in cash and belief, in conjunction with further developed third and fourth year courses it could attract to Louisville many good students as well as holding those here who grow here. This in turn would require and attract more prominent artists, more students, etc., and in so doing would help to create in Louisville-“the city of culture”-a somewhat more active art climate than that which exists actually. 

To have art there must be artists; artists grow on one another, not outposts. May the university, now that it has raised its head, not sleep at its outpost any longer.

– Wrye December 1958



Arts in Louisville was very happy to see in the other local papers that the university of Louisville has declared itself for the creation of a larger, more active art department; that it is very considerately severing its ties with the art center association school. We compliment the directors of both schools on their wisdom in making this decision.

In our last editorial we suggested the position and potential of a strong creative art department of a university in a community. This week we would like to examine the art center association’s community relationship and potential. 

Mr. Leake, director of the art center school, told us this fall of a meeting in Cleveland of heads of private art schools from all over the country. The dilemma agendized was the steadily declining number of fulltime students enrolling in these non-college affiliated schools. The reason is self-evident. A young person entering the field of fine art is faced with the future necessity of living earning. Teaching art is the most available, most satisfactory way to make his way. To teach, a degree, a college degree (or degrees) is a basic requirement. And art schools offer only certificates. 

It would seem, then, that the art center association should read the handwriting on the mural, – shift its interest from professional to avocational training. 

The loss of $10,000 a year income formerly supplied by the university will cut deeply into the art center’s budget. The Louisville fund shows little inclination to make this up at present. We would propose to offset this loss, a possible merger of the art center and junior art gallery. These two agencies of the Louisville fund together receive an annual allotment from the fund of $25,000 for their activities in community art. The junior art gallery receives support from the junior league as well. The art center draws on its endowments, gifts, balls, membership dues and tuition. It might be that a combination of these two organizations would cut operational costs, create a broader base of interested supporters for both, and in effect create a stronger community art program. It has been suggested that the two groups move together to eighth and chestnut, (as the Kentucky opera association has already done) to the library ‘s vast accommodations at university square. That here, with funds made available through the sale of the art center facilities to the university (a seemingly inevitable eventuality with the regular expansion of the university) all necessary remodelling, furnishing and equipping could be done. The combined galleries of the junior gallery and the art center would be a much greater traffic attraction; both groups could share in the galleries’ operation and staffing.

Could share in the galleries’ operation and staffing. 

The children’s free art classes now administered by the art center and the children’s workshops led by the junior gallery could operate as one program in direct relation to the junior gallery expositions. 

With a shining new plant, newly equipped and more effectively lighted, the non-professional classes in painting, sculpture, graphics and crafts might well attract many more students; might stimulate the teaching staff as well. 

We feel that the art center should go beyond teaching only studio courses. The grit club is a fine step in this direction, but still is maintained primarily for those people who are actively engaged in painting. To interest Louisvillians who are not inclined to try the brush themselves, but want to know more about art, series of seminars, discussion groups, lectures, etc., could be established in neighborhood libraries, clubs, etc. A survey of art history, or a short art appreciation course might be sponsored on the library’s FM or TV stations. More competitions, festivals, or fairs would help capture the attention of the public. From within an organization numbering four hundred we are sure many ideas for community education can be evolved. 

If the university has decided to build a complete art department for students of art, we prefer to see a total concentration in this area without diversionary efforts community wise. An association such as is the art center is much better equipped to reach the outside public. We prefer to see the art center in this role. 

There exists, still, among some members of the art center direction the rather blind notion that the art center should continue, in spite of all indications of impracticability, it’s efforts in the direction of operating a professional art school. We hope that it will not be necessary for these directors to go to the U. S. Hospital at Lexington to kick the habit that produces these pipe-dreams. 

-Wrye January 12, 1959  



Prompted by pre-Louisville fund time organizational inter-and intra- infighting, an ailment at once chronic and malignant, a needless cancer upon the flesh of an already weak corpus artis, this editor feels that a statement of concern is necessity. 

Louisville tells itself and has been told by visiting writers in the pay of the big press that Louisville is a remarkable community in its community culture. This may or may not jibe with comparative statistics compared with comparative communities of comparable size, shape, wealth, etc. If Louisville does compare favorably with other cities, woe, and may these other cities have immediate better luck. For those who know that the entire arts-structure in Louisville is, was, and continues to be, terribly tremulous. 

Our orchestra is forced to cut out concerts, limit rehearsals, and lose musicians. Our art center for various and all thoroughly broadcast conflicting reasons has not yet developed into a great art center for the south, nor does the future seem less unfortunate. The dance groups of Louisville seldom have been of the urge for cooperative action; little theatre companies and directors must go way out to sabotage through date and play duplications, talent hustling, and character assassination. Even jazz musicians clique and cat at each other in front of their limited audiences. 

Arts in Louisville, unless it soon changes its name, must help maintain some evidence of arts in Louisville. It may be easier to name-change; yet name-changing calls for slow legal action. In the meantime, the gazette would define its organizational name and meaning. 

The society for the arts in Louisville was founded, and chartered as a non-profit corporation in august 1955 by a group of interested artists whose stated avowed purpose was “stimulation of interest and participation in the arts through a form of informal arts-education. We saw the Louisville fund heroically fund raising for the orchestra and several established arts-organizations. We saw the courier-journal and the times very generously giving pre and post column space to most arts events. We saw numerous arts organizations concentrating hard by their own fields. We did not see an over-all agency spending its time attracting, producing, and explaining for the arts for the public. Hence arts in Louisville. 

During three years, through the publication of a magazine of the arts, a monthly forum, more than a hundred articles were written and printed as interest-initiators and mind-stimulators for the arts. These magazines spoke the minds of Louisville’s artists; attempted to carry over to the arts-spectator some knowledge of attitude, send critique, and aim in the arts. Upon completion of the third year of publication it was ascertained (through other than Gallup methods) that even such a bald and enlightened approach to arts-education was maybe too advanced. Re-evaluation and regrouping – new approach for approaching was sought. Hence arts in Louisville house and the gazette. 

The arts in Louisville house was selected to create a genial stage for the arts. A non-teacup-affiliated place in which arts could seem more attractive. An expanding organization facing out, rather than in. The gazette is its out-facing organ, facing more and more Louisvillians each month. Generally, the gazette’s editorial position is founded on this rationale: in Louisville there are already few enough persons who work in the arts; there are few enough persons of spectator interests; the quality of the arts-products of Louisville, in spite of reputation to the contrary, is neither superb nor abundant by other standards; there is a great shortage of public interest and concrete support for arts in Louisville. These are but facts. Consider the Louisville fund. This organization possibly has the largest and broadest membership of any other cultural agency in the community. The actual number of private contributors to last year’s “community chest of the arts” reached little more than four thousand. This represents less than one per cent of the population of the area. Less than one per cent were willing to contribute at least a single dollar to the community’s cultural growth. And many of these contributors gave in a nominal gesture rather than as an actual evidence of belief and support. What of the other hundred thousand who line neat streets with expensive houses off the expressways in winding suburbia? What are they doing when the curtain goes up? TV or bowling? Twenty years ago there were few bowlers; fewer TV’s.

Today over 30,000 people in Louisville are running regularly to their local bowl alley in some four hundred bowling leagues. Bowling may have a special kind of fascination for some, but can it be so absorbing that it interests so many more people than can the arts, the highest form of man’s creation? Or have the bowling interests worked at promotion a little more professionally? Why is suburbia uninterested? Why haven’t the suburbia’s been interested? 

Have you ever missed a play, concert, ballet or the like because you read or heard some criticism of the performance, (possibly very valid, even perceptive, and with creative results in mind?), and your hesitation added to other’s hesitation has hurt the growth of the organization slighted. For this reason, and the above of cultural paucity, the gazette takes the position that any art effort now is better than none at all; that every effort in the arts in Louisville deserves the interest and support of everyone; that a newspaper of the arts should do its best in promoting this interest, rather than sustaining bias, difference, and conflict through negative criticism. 

And in consequence, the gazette would warn against the perennial squabbling among artists, and organizations, over interior problems of ever-so-subtle aesthetic consideration, personality differences, pie-dividing, and ego-promotion. Those interested in the arts must realize that the problem today is survival; all other considerations must be perspective□ subordinately. If arts in Louisville is not to change its name, a genuine and concerted joint promotional and educational effort must be made for the arts in this town. Uncooperative, ineffectual members of boards must resign their selfish interests to the good of the whole or be deposed by concerted action of affected groups. New and untried angles in promotion and support-seeking must be tried now by every arts-organization in the community worthy of the name if they want not to continue in this mockery of “cultural reputation.” the old guard has all but failed. An avant-garde is sorely needed in this time of great prosperity on the land, this time of great poverty for the arts.

  • Wrey January 26, 1959



Arts in Louisville’s gazette welcomes to Louisville a new publication in the tabloid family, the art of living, volume one, number one, out this past week as the official organ of the Louisville fund. Our congratulations to the fund directors responsible for this fine switch from rather pedestrian commercial style brochures of the past to the newspaper format’s more effective form for arts-promotion. May there be many and regular reappearances of this paper as a continuing voice for the fund during the coming year. 

This paper not only covers fairly directly the importance and function of each member agency of the fund, the general budget allocation, etc., but as all newspapers with editorial pages must, this paper also editorializes. 

In editorializing under the title “how much truth?” the fund asks itself if Louisville wants the fund to continue. Frankly it answers itself by admitting that it doesn’t know. In a thinly veiled threat (?) the fund board members have suggested liquidation if this year’s campaign should fall substantially short of its goal. The editonal lists three facts which to the gazette seem to be quite significant, but the fund, even after recognizing these facts, hopes against hope, and goes on into its next decade. The facts: member agencies have been “stifled” in their growth by the fund’s inability to get them the finances they have needed for years. Manpower for fund drive tasks has been and continues to be difficult to find. Louisville’s giving habits insofar as the fund is concerned are not good. 

The gazette would like to turn over a few ideas regarding this “truth” editorial, this Louisville fund, and arts and gifts in general. 

At first may it be understood that we applaud the past ten years of planning and working by everyone connected with the fund operation. The fund has without doubt been a major force in developing and sustaining in Louisville an admirable (if not estimable) level of activity in the arts. The fund at the time of its origin was a beautiful compromise move to consolidate fund-gathering efforts for the arts. It has achieved its goals each year: in this light it is a successful enterprise. In other lights it might seem less beautiful. Admittedly the fund was established primarily with the interest of the orchestra in mind. Other arts-organizations that had solicited funds privately were embraced for the reason of broader appeal, for elimination of duplication and overlapping of efforts. In effect interest in the several arts was possibly spread more generally. The cumulative audience, the cumulative mailing-list, the cumulative solicitation potential was certainly expanded. But not without side effects. As one little theatre group was included as an agency to the exclusion of all others, all others, neglected step-children, smarted and turned their backs. Non pre-existent enmity developed through pie-slicing squabbles between member agencies at budget time. Envy, reactions and desertions, etc. Nevertheless, the fund did make for survival. And this is a good. 

So the arts are still surviving. (so is bowling). The one theatre group that was once a fund agency has been dropped this year, we suppose to the joy of the stepchildren. But in face of the three above fund quoted facts, and the complications of intra-agency hassle, is the Louisville fund planning to continue forever?

The gazette would prefer to think of the fund as an emergency stopgap measure, not one of permanent panhandling for the arts. The gazette takes the position that subsidy through solicitation of gifts not only is unsavory for the solicitors, but more subtly is destructive to the general health of the art community. 

It would appear that if an organization were serving some useful, desirable function in a community some better way to finance this desirable operation would be found than a tin cup routine. And we feel that the arts-organizations of a community do serve very desirable functions in a community. If an orchestra cannot play concerts without salaries, then an orchestra should sell enough tickets to enough performances to pay union scale. (ticket sales can be promoted in many more ways than have been tried here). If an opera association is really required in a community’s culture. Either the few who require opera should pay more for their operas, or more people should entertain the notion that they require opera. Parents pay high enough for music. Dance and golf lessons. Why should they not pay junior art gallery

Lessons, children’s theatre lessons, children’s free art class lessons? An art center, if it is an art center, should be readily supported by those interested in their art. Ballet’s great Louisville following is certainly healthy enough to work out its finances among its aficionados without sending up distress signals. If Louisvillians want and need the arts in Louisville, those that do should be in a position to support the arts in a direct and active way on a pay as-you-go basis. We believe that this fine crutch of a fund which has helped lame Louisville arts limp along to date has not taught Louisville arts to walk, and won’t. 

We believe that the challenge for survival and growth which would create within organizations the will to survive and grow through their own energy, imagination, and effort has been numbed through dependence on the crutch. We believe that arts-organizations would be much more vital operations if their operation were entrusted to those who have genuine interest in the operation, namely the artists. We believe that businessman boards of directors for every arts-group in town foster an eternal weakness in these organizations. What great stake have businessmen, (especially very rich business men) in the financial stake of the second cellist of the orchestra, in the aesthetic fate of the part-time teacher of children’s art classes, in the future of the director of the Kentucky opera association? No great stake. What bar association is dominated by other than lawyers? What medical association by other than doctors? Must the arts remain the rich man’s (and lady’s) hobby? We think not. The arts in Louisville do have a broad following. Not as widespread as we would like to see, nor anywhere near their potential. Seeds enough have been sewn in arts-interest; Louisville is not really poverty-stricken. It is time that artists in Louisville stop relying on renaissance Italy techniques for survival; time that they face today and take upon themselves the job of growing.


The Louisville fund must succeed this year. Arts in Louisville urges all its members that have contributed to the fund in the past to double their contributions this year as requested, and urges all members who have not been approached in the past to contact the fund this year, to give generously to this community chest of the arts. But, arts in Louisville urges all members of arts-organizations in Louisville to start thinking and planning and working for the day when a fund will not be necessary. A man whose hand is out continuously soon must lose the respect of his fellowmen, and himself.

-Wrye February 9, 1959




The editor of this gazette would come to the defense of Louisville’s harangued mayor, Mr. Hoblitzell, in his most recent brush with market street. Mr.  Hoblitzell, in an effort to demonstrate some sort of effort to satisfy all this downtown-saving talk, came up with an idea worthy of a Charles Farnsley. He sent his painters out to brush with market street carrying buckets of French racing blue. They experimentally coated all the lamp standards for a block from fifth to fourth on market street in this flashy bright pthalocyanine blue (a color of quite good fade-resistance). Then Mr. Hoblitzell’s department of exterior decoration climbed to above midway on the poles to affix city shields with fleur de lys, and city flags with fleur de lys. The effect, although it has not transformed Louisville’s innards into fairyland, is nevertheless thought making. Risking trespassing upon the hallowed earth of Grady’s townscape, I would, as an artist in paint, like to risk a few ideas from my side of the fence. 


From an aesthetic view of the point of downtown-saving i would first ask my readers to look at downtown and from its outside appearance, to decide whether downtown as is to be saved, or rather downtown, as is, should be moved out and something new moved in in its place. Of all the junky, dirty, clashing tastelessness, of all the uninviting, overbearing, crude haphazardness which is downtowns appearance in general, (notwithstanding a few responsible firms of taste) Louisville’s diseased heart might best be buried as be surguried. Of course as long as this over bandaged body odes breathe and can pay taxes, Mr. Hoblitzell must, (under oath, I suppose) patch as he can. 

Downtown may be suffering from onewayitis, suburbanitis, recession, buyer resistance, apathy, television, the high cost of gasoline, or any one of a vast number of combined diagnoses. Downtown may be saved by eliminating all these pesky causes, but I doubt if downtown will look much better afterward.

For I see in Mr. Hoblitzell’s action evidence of great perception. Mr. Hoblitzell must see downtown Louisville as an artist, and his sore eyes must tell him that the only way, (in democratic society) to make his city a little less eye soring is to hide it. And he has made the first step in hiding market street behind his bright blue poles. From the street, the perspectival gathering of his poles forms on each side of the street a blue fence which partially covers the unimaginative, crude product of the electric sign industry; the miserly phony store front cemented part way up the front of dirty, nineteenth century unoccupied top floorsed buildings; the silk-screened sign plastered show windows cluttered with America’s abundance. If Mr. Hoblitzell could arrange somehow to con his aldermen into supplying him with enough light poles for every two and one half feet of curb space, larger flags, larger shields, and maybe 100,000 candlepower sodium vapor lamps that he would burn blindingly all day and night, then Mr. Hoblitzell would have won round one downtown. 

Mall plans may be nice, but the scream is that they are impractical. One way streets may or may not hurt business: that is a prickly problem for traffic analysts and commerce chambers. Parking problems and meters and lots and stamped coupons all involve themselves. But if the visual aspect of an area has anything to do with the mood and attitude of the person who is to be attracted there, downtown loses nicely.

Two ways out. – one, which would undoubtedly be quite expensive initially, yet in the long run may be · the answer, would be to hire a group of architects to screen downtown’s ugliness with handsome screens of expanded metals, of composition stuccoes, or mosaics, or sheet stone. And on this architecturally related, coordinated, completely new face mounts new signs, tastefully designed, perhaps even by artists, if we must. If we must, organize downtown as a shopping-center, but a designed shopping-center, not a contractor shopping-center as out suburbia way. Plant trees around the parking lots, if walls come too high. Include small corner parks, monuments, and the like. Even play games with dramatic lighting in daytime as well as night: colored spotlights, light and shadow areas, and moving light beams overhead to liven up the whole. Certainly someone can be found who could pump the head for a year and come up with a slue of potentials. This plan might fix Louisville’s downtown clock for a long time to come. 

A second possibility may be rather fantasied, but don’t knock a good fantasy too quickly. Could not downtown be turned into a Disneyland hybrid – part carnival, part Disneyland, with plenty of splashed color, everyone joining in the jazzing-up, and plenty of colored. Spotted lights, and some real gone electric signs, moving and otherwise, outooor music, all up-tempo? We might have one of the jumpingest downtowns on record. So much can be done with the tools of the artist – his color and its source, light; the forms of fantasy, translated into surrealism by an architect; the emotion persuading potentiality of the musician. It might be a trial worth the while. 

Nothing has happened downtown, really, for five years – except a few lamp posts have been painted blue. Please gentlemen, let’s not knock this start. Before the atoms start fissioning, let’s make some big changes.

Changes are seldom for the worst.

-Wrye February 23, 1959



As in most areas of valuation, categorization, and discussion where a middle ground of indeterminable separates the blacks and whites, the trues and false, the goods and bads, it is often meaningless to argue a point of belief too boldly. The world of values, though in the past quite sacrosanct, today rests rather on subjective and unconfirmed opinion. No longer are you or I able to point to a painting and say with philosophical surety good or bad. For every point I point you may find ten thousand equally fine pointers differing. 


Yet into this logical fog of indeterminable I would plunge in an attempt to clarify, to make a distinction between entertainment and art. I have long felt that one of the most profound differences between art and decoration lies in motive. And motive can often be determined by result. And result is often dictated by motive. Through an admitted and vulgar greed for material return for creating, staging, producing, or performing a work of the generally agreed upon area encompassed by the arts, many of our artists are forced to produce for the marketplace rather than in the temple. To produce in the marketplace, the artists must needs be aware of his public, his customers: their interests, their common denominators. The common denominator I would nominate as the prime differentiating element in art and entertainment. 

To entertain (from the French: entre tenir; meaning in its combined form to hold between; (although the French use distract/on as a synonym for our entertainment) requires that an audience be held in interest by the form of the activity. Most of us will agree that certain forms of activity have more holding power for more people than others. Sex, farce, danger, chance, competition, or sentimentality, all seem to be quite popular interest holders. Witness TV which makes use of all of them. Movies, ice shows, vaudeville, burlesque, carnivals, 

. Circuses, rodeos, races, casinos, dance halls, wars, sports and many others all play to the common denominator. And if less of the common denominator is included, the less audience will be attracted and held.

It occurs to me that the arts should maybe be primarily numerator activities. The products of individuals exploring the uniqueness of experience rather than generalizing experience. Of course many artists do just this. The painter rarely finds himself tempted by a great commercial market for his work. The poet’s royalty for his musing is not apt to lead him astray. But the musician, the composer, the playwright, actor, novelist, and dancer is regularly tempted by the big worms and hooks of the entertainment world’s line. 

And arts in Louisville house is not beyond the backwater of demands on it for survival through compromise to the entertainment interests. The response to the numerator denominator question is evident in the reaction to programs presented there.

Serious theatre, inventive, original, poetic essays, find no following as do light-weight laugh hits from Broadway. Poetry nights have their small devoted followings. (excepting erotic poetry night, and beat night’s violent naughtiness which drew quite a few curious auditors). The more progressive jazz concerts. Chamber music, or piano recitals can be counted on to draw fewer listeners than more earth-stompin’ jazz every time. Art shows in the gallery, although perused by almost every visitor, has yet to make for jumping enthusiasm. A collection of nineteenth century nudes, barroom variety, would pack them in. Ballet programs have, as poetry, a dedicated following which is not really a mob. Nevertheless, arts in Louisville. In consideration of its avowed aims in stimulating interest and participation in the arts, fights on to expose serious numerator experience to Louisville. 

The society for the arts in Louisville is an organization unique in the nation. Its potential in producing. Promoting, and developing programs of genuine numerator interest is actually quite great. In its youth, in its sizeable initial outlay for initial installation, arts in Louisville is naturally struggling to pay its way out from under its mortgages. Once these are paid, (two years can lift the load) funds will be available for the commissioning, producing, and promoting of arts events without the stigma of the market-place. The market-place is surfeit in its range of entertainment activity. The temples, few and far between, have but promise. 

Members of the society for the arts in Louisville have joined this society as an expression of faith and hope for a better Louisville through the arts. For a more fertile field in which to grow. Proposals and participation in programs of non-denominator kind are more than welcomed. Support of numerator activities by the membership at large is required. Indifference to the arts can be their kiss of death. 

The arts are not, by my baldly defined belief, entertainment. That is, they are not just entertainment. The arts do have within them qualities of interest holding which can go beyond the shallower grasp of the denominators. Arts in Louisville cordially invites all its members to go beyond.

– Wrye march 9 1959



At a last year’s symposium presented by the university of Louisville a collection of distinguished American composers, including no other than the eminent Arron Copeland, gathered to discuss American music before an audience of interested Louisvillians. I was disappointed to hear a discussion of the plight of the composer economically rather than on expositon of the ideas, ideals, and aims inherent in contemporary American composition. It seemed that our visitors and their less fortunate colleagues were beset with all sorts of grave problems: collecting recording and performing royalties, changing legislation so that they would slice more deeply into the royalty pie, copyright complications, difficulty in securing even good seat’s to the performance of their own works, and the high cost of manuscript copying into orchestra parts. 

The taste in my mouth as I left this Allen courtroom wailing hall was not of nectar. It was more like the dull acid taste of copper the size of pennies.

Recently a similar taste returned. In another symposium, again at the university of Louisville, this time in the more cheerful surroundings of the university center, the buck once again raised its evil head. Under the auspices of an auspicious organization, the Kentucky-Tennessee American studies association, were grouped together men prominent in the evolution and development of this city’s cultural life. The “city’s cultural advancement” was the august topic under consideration. And a very thorough description of the history and potential of Louisville’s cultural advancement was made. Louisville has undoubtedly reason to be proud of its accomplishments. There still remains, however, room for more advancement. 

There was expressed, perhaps unconsciously by now, that attitude concerning the arts, that has become so pervasive, has become so accepted, that the president of the university, dr. Davidson, was prompted to make an emphasized point of it in his summing up of the symposium as moderator. Dr. Davidson suggested that after leaving these speakers, after taking into consideration the haphazard evolution of culture in Louisville, that the best thing we could do was to go out and find a sculptor and buy his sculpture; go out and find a painter and buy his painting, and of course implied was to go out and support artists of all ilks. 

It is only natural that dr. Davidson would propose this. He has no special insulation from the traditional clamor of the pitiable starving artist hawking his wares. Hawking along fences in Montmartre, Greenwich village, New Orleans; in cheap and plush galleries; in four color art magazines and hard back books – to say nothing of more subtle forms of persuasion dignified by the name of education. Their hawking is a symptom of an infectious disease that is not easily uncaught. 

Most artists are human. They are unavoidably conditioned by the commercial society in which they live. They too fall prey to Madison avenue and the four color billboard. They must not be blamed for wanting fins too on their tail ends. Yet, and here to me is the lump – must artists be tradesmen?

There will be art whether you go out and find it and buy it or not. Un-bought artists have been known to make art. Let’s not fear for the future of art on this basis. Those artists who are unable to sustain their art without a guaranteed income are possibly a little less than artists anyway. 

My concern is not for the artist, he’ll get along. My concern is for the community. For the mistaken notion that culture consists of a happy, humming crew of merchandising artists, paid musicians, paid composers, paid poets, paid actors, paid dancers, all busy working away in their tastefully appointed vacuums. Certainly we must have artists in action. Paid or unpaid is inconsequential. The culture of a community must be considered in a much broader sense. The culture of a community must be considered in terms of general comprehension by its citizens of the broader meanings inherent in its social existence; of the human spiritual values inherent in its arts, for the arts are important in the creation of the whole man, the whole community, and they are much more important in this civilizing role in the community than is the economic status of those individuals who have chosen as their life the arts. 

May i suggest that those persons who are in positions of leadership in advancing the culture of our community divert their well-meaning and deeply appreciated energies from the problem of supporting we few starving artists and concentrate heavily on spreading effectively, understanding of and enthusiasm for the arts, for the value of the arts in the psychical well-being of the community. 

When the spirit of the arts, -the ideals of integrity, humanity, and excellence -has become the spirit of the community, artists will starve no more.

-Wrye march 23 1959



It is again once more spring, two thousand three hundred and fifty-four springs after old man Plato sat pipe-dreaming in his sunny peristyle of the good, true and beautiful. The Athenian cracker-barreled smoked sterner stuff in his meerschaum, as in those days’ burley was not yet invented. Sterner, it was; and its hallucinogenic qualities have produced hallucinations that have not yet agreed to fade with his shade. Two thousand three hundred and fifty-four long years of pleasing puffing. “the thinking fellow smokes old Plato – “it’s toasted” – at least it is still toasted here in Louisville in 1959. 

The occasion for this commemorative reflection is not the satisfactory completion and effective instrumentation of the $300,000 Louisville study of air pollution and smoke abatement. Nor has it anything to tie it to the Louisville fire department’s fine unsmoked record in fire prevention. And a recent announcement of the success of dr. Kenneth Scott in cancer findings bears not on this discussion, although cancer is somewhat figuratively involved. 

The occasion is but the 32nd annual Kentucky and southern Indiana exhibition of art opened at the speed museum, with a toast of hot tea, April fool’s day- an altogether fitting and proper date. 

Once again the artists of the region have submitted a selection of the product of their creation of the past year to the art center’s hand-picked jury for hanging at the speed museum. Of some 450 entries, Philip R. Adams, director of the Cincinnati art museum, “whittled down” the entries to 122 paintings, watercolors, drawings and prints. “whittled down” in the very appropriate words of dr. Senta bier in listing the prizes in the courier journal, Sunday, march 29. Hacked down in the name of Plato might be even more appropriate. For once again in the name of “objective” or “absolute” or “universal” values the art center has gone to much effort and expense to produce yet another corruption of the ideas and ideals of contemporary painting.


It is more than desirable that Louisville have large annual and preferably even more frequent expositions of the art of the region. Stimulation of the esprit through art is ever one of the arts in Louisville planks. And arts in Louisville is only happy for and congratulatory to the art center for yearly making possible this show, as well as the interesting importations and local shows hung in the art center’s gallery throughout the season. But, basically, there is something wrong, inconsistent, and destructive in holding competitions in art. 

Competition in bowling can be scored by frames and games, in sport cars in miles per hour, in poker in dollar and chips. In competition the thrill is in the competing, in the winning or losing. In art, such is not the story. 

To pit one painter against another gladiatorlike for a prize seems simple and harmless enough. It is simpleminded, perhaps, but not so harmless. Not only does this engender and perpetrate foolish beliefs in universals and goods and bads in the artists, but is even more confusing to the public. ‘How can this be the best painting when it leaves me cold, while i am passionately moved by this unberibboned one?’ 

Why competition? Why prizes? Simple explanation: Mr. Leake, director of the art center, and the art center membership wish to produce a big spring show. To have a big art show there must be lots of paintings. And the easiest, most effective way to attract paintings is bait-dangling (like bucks) before the starving artists. Artists, artists who are even professors of art, who do not subscribe to notions of art in competition, nor to universal values, are nevertheless hooked in for the possible buck. 

Printed on the entry form is such blatant nonsense as “purchase prize for the best painting”. (no artists may win this prize more than once in three years) -a seeming contradiction in terms; or, “the best exhibit in the combined categories of painting, graphic arts, sculpture.” – an animal of this make would be a delight to behold; and the best laugh: “the crescent hill woman’s club award for the best conservative painting” -really, ladies, why not save your $25.00 for some decent club project rather than embarrassing Mr. Leake with such a name gift? And underlining the art center’s endorsement of universal values, intrinsic quality, the good, true, and beautiful is the art center’s own marksmanship medal awarded for “the best work in the exhibition as selected by the judge.” – aha! Best work as selected by the judge, huh? Could this be a tacit admission that even the art center knows that it would find it extremely difficult to defend philosophically, empirically, the ridiculous assumption that there is such a thing as “best” in art? 

Mr. Adams, poor madams, too, has been forced to go along with the gag, pinning ribbons on the pretties. But Dr Bier couldn’t draw him out in her Sunday interview to have him make a complete fool of himself aesthetically. His quotes all hedge this side of the categorical categories of “best.” for instance: “a very authorative painter.” “very handsome print,” “very charming and sensitive,” “a very good development of the technique,” “very decorative, skillfully done,” “one of the ablest printmakers,” “how well women show up”. 

These quotes show Mr. Adams to be aware of the great amount of work done in very recent years in the field of value theory. Art is no longer thought of in contemporary thinking circles in the same way it was in the past. Art has become more a matter of individual subjective expression in the eyes of the more awake philosophes, rather than the antique manner of playing by goo-given rules and standards of discernible value. 

A new age is upon us. The very existence of such a vast variety of forms of expression and the broad and even more varied acceptance of these new forms are but concrete manifestions of the lie of the past – the lie of the good, the true, and the beautiful. There is no one way, nor even better way to paint. To paint is to paint. 

That we have an art center in a progressive city such as Louisville that maintains an historical fraud as part of its express program is intolerable. The art center annual and the assumptions upon which it rests need shaken loose. There is firm ground beneath the limb it has climbed out on. 

This is the first in a series of articles treating art, evaluation, and criticism.

-Wrye April 6 1959



The elimination of Plato and his various disciples from the dominating positions in the world of the arts was suggested as desirable in this column in the last issue of the gazette. This might be effected through any number of means. Stiletto, hemlock, shotgun, bear trap, or possibly a touch of clearer thinking. As the gazette has no hunting license, and a spirit, especially a philosophical spirit, is difficult to damage with buck-shot, the chosen weapon, our battle-axe, must be logical persuasion. 

Specifically, the grievance I hold with Plato and even his latter-day compromising followers the relative absolutists, is one of more than personal concern. The philosophical context in which the arts are forced to operate is not only anachronistic, confused, vicious, naive and sometimes openly fraudulent, but is a general deterrent to the growth of understanding and appreciation of the arts. 

The misapprehensions, the unwarranted conclusions, the pompous pronouncements and embellished aberrations devised through the history of aesthetic philosophy were probably innocently arrived at. Admittedly there is the security which tradition-sucking seemingly affords, but it is difficult to accept conclusions c no matter how innocently arrived at, nor how traditional they might be l, if they do not somehow correspond to observable “facts”. 

As philosophers, aestheticians, professors, and all others in positions of authority in the world of the arts are unwilling to cry out from their well-padded cells against the lie which is contemporary aesthetics, it seems that the responsibility falls naturally to the artist, the laboring class of the realm, to make disapproving noises.

The disapproving noises I am proposing is a series of articles developing an attitude toward the arts more consistent with reality. This might seem a rather natural proposal, yet it is radically opposed to almost all ‘common sense’ notions about art and is also at sword’s point with practically all established philosophies of aesthetics it will be first necessary to examine certain fundamental concepts in this attempt to revise aesthetic thinking in a direction more synonymous with sanity. The first concept which needs careful scrutiny is one which is one of the major sources of misunderstanding and confusion in the art experience. “communication” it is named. If the vaguely vague overworked ideas embodied in this word communication can be shown to be but primitive misapprehensions, hangovers from pre-thinking eras, then we will have reduced a concrete stumbling block to gravel. 

Webster defines (to) communicate (as it is used popularly – as is Webster’s job) as “to impart, to pass along, to make common.” communication. Carries in it the meanings of a transmitting, a giving or receiving of information, signals, or messages by talk, gestures, writings, etc.” on the surface it appears that this is a word, which functions as a word should, in standing as a symbol for some human activity. On the surface it seems reasonable to assume that information may be transmitted from one person to another. On the surface, in crude, un-demanding, primitive idle chatter, it would appear, then, that communication, as a word, is justifiable. 

As appearances are at times deceiving let us not accept this lexical ghost as real without further examination. Let us put “communication” and the process it purports to represent in our gazette laboratory and dissect. 

When a man points his finger in the direction of a whiskey bottle


He is indicating to his public a concentration of his immediate attention in that object. When his eyes light up concurrently, he is expressing an opinion. When he says -whiskey bottle” in a way which is generally accepted to indicate affection, he is doing the same thing in a less physical way. If he were to paint a picture of this same whiskey bottle enshrined, he also would be pointing and opining. In effect, this is capsule form of not only the essence of the communication process, but the entirety of that process. 

Communication is not involved in transmission of information as generally assumed. 

Communication is but the act and process of indicating specific areas of interest to another person, or persons, or animals. 

To continue the examination, let us look more deeply into the pointing process. When our pointing gentleman pointed to, (in any one of a number of various possible ways), the whiskey bottle, you or I looked not only in the direction of the bottle, but we also began a process of recognition: consideration of the visual fact in relation to our past experience in bottles. We identified the object indicated as part of a class of objects we call “bottle” and more specifically we notice that the sub-class is also whiskey bottle, and possibly even rye whiskey bottle. Through the gleam in his eye we also assumed that he would like very much a draught. In acknowledging his pointing, we did not, then, stare blankly, we engaged in a process called, by john Dewey, “funding.” that is, we began a process of memory activation in which a galaxy of past experience was brought into association with the immediate stimulus which enabled us to orient our thinking about this object. 

Now, assume that we had in our laboratory audience a strange sort of fellow who grew up in a place, say mars, where there were not only no bottles, but worse, no whiskey. This gentleman would not be able to “fund” the indicated object in anyway near the way that you or i have done. His reaction could be little more than a blank stare. 

This is to demonstrate that a rye whiskey bottle “communicates” rye whiskey bottle only to he who has already enjoyed the experience of bottles and whiskey. Nothing has been actually transmitted. Only areas of reference have been singled out. Seeing, feeling, tasting, smelling, etc., are not just simple infusions of light, chemicals, pressures, etc. They are extremely complex associational processes which require preliminary experience in the beholder for association. 

Basic to an understanding of this concept of seeing as an associational process is an awareness of the questions involved in notions of our very existence. It is a generally accepted hypothesis that the world of matter has as its building blocks some form of electronic activity, a complex interrelation of energy “particles” designated by names such as “electron,” “proton,” etc., and from this posited electronic activity we, as sensate creatures, are able to abstract and distinguish certain characteristics such as size, shape, color, temperature, taste, intoxicability, etc. And combine these physically sensed characteristics in our minds into a conceptually organized pattern or image which becomes then for us a symbolic representation of the sense experience ingested. The “real world” bottle exists, certainly, on its electron level, but our awareness of its existence is not of the electron level, but on a level several times removed, an intellectual conceptual level. 

This conceptual level, this mental image of bottle, is the level of existence which here concerns us. All questions of reality and existence are concerned not with the original electrons but with our limited and interpretative reaction to these electrons and the personal conceptual constructs we manufacture. We do not experience electrons. We experience and associate only our sense reactions to the result of electronic activity. 

Your “real” world and my “real” world are in fact our personal conceptual “pictures” of our sense and brain reactions to the complex electronic world from which we are equipped to abstract and interpret only so much. 

Now, back to communication. Recognizing the subjective character of reality as subjective, developed out of a process of associational evolution in the individual, we must also recognize this realization allows for as many realities as there are individuals.


As no two human beings may occupy the same point in space and time, all human beings necessarily see the world and formulate their conceptual constructs of it from somewhat different aspects. And not only do human beings just “see” the world, they evaluate their worlds while seeing them. They construct along with and amid their conceptualizations built-in complex cross-preferences – likes, dislikes, druthers, repulsions, and the like. 

When our pointing friend indicated that he wanted us to focus our attention on the rye whiskey bottle, and his intent, (according to him) was to persuade us to pour him a drink, he was actually involved in a complex series of prearranged, and agreed upon, symbolic notions. 

Consider first the finger pointing. Did you ever point-out the spectra of an uninvited cat to your dog only to have him curiously examine your finger? 

A convention must first have been established for the meaning of the extended finger. So when our man first “pointed” the meaning of the pointing finger was understood. His finger pointed to and directed our attention to the knot of electronic activity grouped in such a way that it would contain whiskey – the bottle. He then specifically pointed at the whiskey itself – more electrons jumping wildly about in a manner that would suggest glee. Then his eye gleams, also a pre-agreed upon signal indicating alcoholic thirsting. 

To the Martian all these clues would be unintelligible. When the concepts we pretend to “communicate” are more complex than whiskey bottles and 100 proof rye whiskey, the “transmitting” metaphor becomes patently absurd. When we are considering the exquisitely intense associational complexity which is involved in the funding processes of creation in art, any mention of communication as understood its primitive sense of transmitting at once becomes meaningless. 

The next gazette will develop the consequences of the position we are developing as applied to the creative act and the work of art.

This is the second in a series of articles treating art evaluation, and criticism.

– Wrye April 20, 1959



With “communication” neatly disposed of in the last issue of the gazette, and Plato’s primitive apologies accepted, we may now get on to more concerning matters. 

First, though, we should recapitulate a bit to foundation this week’s launching pad. We have seen that what has been passing in the past under the misnomer of “communication” is actually a much less mystic transaction which should more probably be called “activation.” that as all individuals are individuals, are not generals, generalities, or masses, and even though some seem rather robotic in their responses, they are nonetheless individual aspects of this our space-time drama. And that as individuals they are involved in a process of constructing personal conceptual images, with personal valuings attached, of the outside world out of the sense material consumed through their personal exploration of the outside world. The outside world so becoming a personalized inside world – the only “real world” in question, and that the individual js in fact but the total of his conceptual evolution and his reaction to sense activation. 

Beginning then with the premise that men are individuals, somewhat alike in some of the grosser considerations, (two feet, one head, etc. Usually) but not very probably much alike when questions of imagination, motivation, history, taste, capacity, drive, are questioned, I would attempt to formulate an attitude towards the arts based on this premise in action. 

If we look upon man as primarily a problem-solving creature, designed, if you will, or evolved, for survival through his problem-solving capability, we will approach the arts from a fresh tack. If we look around us we will see that many have solved or had solved for them already the basic problems of survival today. Most of us find it necessary to hunt out new problems for solving. Not really basic animal survival problems are sought; these are almost too unpleasant for most. But time-, mind-, and body-using problems which may keep the creature amused and, or, interested.

Some choose that old classic: bridge. Others political parties, cocktail parties, tea parties, country clubs, adult educations, charities, balls, planning councils, voter’s leagues, park-saving leagues, movies, golf, tennis, reducing, high finance, marriage, money, crossword puzzles, engineering, international politics, chess, outer space, gambling, women, travel, sports cars, vice, men, – you name it. Some even write editorials. And it seems that someone is always coming up with something new; philosophy, hula hoops, Coca-Cola letter games, TV., et cetera. 

It is my observation that a man who solves the simpler problems will seek more complex ones. The man who satisfies his simpler lusts will seek out more complex forms for his involvement in living. Finding these not, is commonly called boredom, and is the source of many forms of life-extinguishing called suicide. 

An area in which these more complex forms for individual involvement are found is art. For in art, c loosely defined as an area of activity concerning the manipulation of some material into a perceivable form with as its motivation and source an action generally termed “expression.” j we find a world maybe less technical, factual, intellectual than, say, atomic physics, yet one as demanding, absorbing, subtle, and even more important (to complexity and involvement) in continuing flux. 

As the individual is process, so is his art; and as the individual’s art progresses, so does the “world of art.” our problem-solving creature, of late shifted in emphasis to self-involving creature, may turn to the arts as one of the most involving avenues open. If he turns creatively, he immensely immerses himself. But even if and though he turns only to art as an interested consumer, the potential involvement is yet enough great. 

It is for the arts as an avenue for human involvement that arts in Louisville waves the banner. It is against those forces of darkness which would circumscribe, prohibit, discolor, confuse, obfuscate, and alienate that avenue for our friends the arts involvement-seekers, that this editor waves his printing press. 

For with an understanding of intents, motivations, and processes in the creative act; an understanding of the motivations, intents, and processes in the re-creative act of art appreciating, as well; the arts become much more inviting, involving, and thus rewarding. 

The next gazette will attempt to describe the creative process, at least from the painter’s point of view, and the re-creative process from the consumer’s view. Through throwing just so much more light on the picture we may succeed in blinding the evil ones, establishing sanity, world peace, and possibly a millennium.

  • Wrye may 4 1959

This is the third in a series of articles treeing art, evaluation, and criticism.




The past two issues of the gazette have been in this column trying to draw a more precise picture of man the artist and man the audience. The program to date has been cluttered with necessary discussion of such basic and essential terms as “communication,” “value,” “funding,” “reality,” “activation,” and involvement.” 

The picture to date, then, of man the artist and man the audience could be described as such: a man is engaged in activities of the mind and body for survival and for kicks! Survival involvement has been reduced to a level of little more than choredom by our welfare state. “kick!” involvement, and this includes all involvements not directly concerned with survival in the physical sense, is his real interest. We propose the arts as a high level source of kicks! For the man seeking more profound involvement. 

But before the arts may become more attractive to sane individuals they ought be purged of much ancient nonsense and repugnant practice. Among these nonsenses and practices are the hocus-pocus notions of “true beauty, “universal qualities,” “intrinsic qualities,” “artistic standards,” and a whole priesthood of pandering critics and aestheticians of this hokum religion.

We have attempted to discredit and thus evaporate the influence of this fraudulent clique of muddleheadedness through showing each man as an individual consumer of sense data who associates, evaluates, and conceptualizes this data into his own personal interpretation of the world. As each man’s interpretation will necessarily vary from the next man’s, and as varied, will necessarily vary in the expression of his art and his appreciation of art, and that, as men are all individuals, and differ considerably in their perceptions of the world and in their reactions to it, that any silly proposal of aesthetic standards on a universal or mystic basis can be but pitied. It would merit not scorn. 

We have discussed the traps in the idea of “communication.” “communication” under closer scrutiny appeared to be a misnomer for a process more akin to what we called “activation” than the generally accepted falacious· notion of transmission of information from one self to another. By establishing the relationship between artist and audience as one of artists-creative process – and an art-recreative processing audience, we have come closer to describing what is actually occurring in the art experience. 

The artist painter – if he is not working for hire of a decorator shop, a publishing company, a sign shop, or some other client who knows what he wants, what color, size so forth, – faces his canvas and palette with no rules other than his own experience and choice. He has looked carefully, closely, at the world inside and outside of art. In all his looking he has been building, evolving, a personal value structure concerning not only things visual, but things visual in relation to things social, economic, historical, sexual, and all other aspects of life. 

When he chooses from his palette a tangerine orange and a greenish, grayish, blue, he is making a selection from a great number of possible choices. His selection may be purely arbitrary, tentative, decisively calculated, or inspired. When he places these colors side by side on the canvas, evalues them, and finds them right, he is doing art.

The art of painting is not of course so simply accomplished. Add the complexity of several dozen colors, shapes, lines, movements, lights, darks, intensities, overpainting and underpainting, tensions, textures, masses, moods, and meanings and you will see that the artist in attempting to externalize his own choice structure is faced with great challenge. His canvas evolves through similar selective process as with orange and blue, a quite involved process of evaluation, weighing, balancing, revising, reconsidering until all elements and forces fit. The painting is complete, whole. 

At this point the artist becomes audience. No longer involved creatively. He, like we, now become involved re-creatively. 

We bring to his canvas eyes and mind “funded” with our own choice structure. Our structure will not be his, nor his ours. Our interpretation will not match his either. Yet the situation is not impossible. Kicks! Are still possible for all of us. There can be parts of a painting which may be exciting to you and not to me. And vice versa. There can be elements in a painting that can suggest, and activate in my seeing, experience hate, anger, or lust; in your sloth, slough and despond; to the artist it may be a system of wonderfully organized tensions. What might be exceptionally stimulating colors for you, may be already trite, cliché, for me, while evoking the essence of violence or death for the artist. 

Overtones beyond the fact of pigmented canvas are also present. Seeing is a continuous, comparing, associating process. Not only are the formal elements perceived by the viewer, but during the perceiving a continuing activity of introspective brain-talking goes on relating the perceiving process to the “fund”, – other art, history, science, poverty, weather, lust, all kinds of peripheral considerations contact the perceiving process. 

These kinds of processes are going on in the artist while he is creating. They are determining his choices, activating his “funds”. The creative process produces kick!

And even though “communication” is not possible in the transmissional sense, the painting, and the arts in general still have a great potential value for involvement. Each member of the art’s audience can and does make of the work of art what he can make of it, what he wishes to make of it, or what he unconsciously is induced to make of it. In this light the arts are not restricted to the carefully trained few with their double talk to prove it, but are open to everyone at all levels of “funding”. 

As the personality of a human being is the sum of his experience critically reacting to each old or new stimuli, his sum personality is undergoing constant growth and change. The potency of the stimulus and the sublety of the “funding” determines the quality of change and growth. 

In art are found stimuli of potency and variety. Art is made out of the same stuff from which man is made, – experience critically evalued.

We need and seek involvement in stimulating activities. As pointed out in the last gazette, many involvements are possible, golf, politics, television, chess, etc., etc., and so forth. We are proposing, as one of the more valuable involvements, the arts. 

After thought: – it is the role of the art teacher or art critic to make the arts more attractive through creating a better understanding of the intent and experience of the artist and the arts. It is not the role of the critic or teacher to operate a con shop for the persuasion for the sale of the arts to a bewildered public. As it were, in both roles the rogue teacher and critic have been reasonably unsuccessful. 

In the next issue of the gazette criticism, and formal aesthetics may be treated lightly as they very well should.

-Wrye may 18 1959


With spring, sunshine, zephyrs and all that about it seemed deucedly musty to continue our editorials beyond last gazette’s pronouncements into the proposed discussion of that fascinating subject of aesthetics, etc. – so we won’t. So we’ll talk about arts in Louisville in the spring, summer and fall instead. 

Hewing to the olde tradition of shutting down for the summer are most of the arts this summer, again. A tradition grown hoary before the days of air conditioning. And not yet shaken off even amid the vastest concentration of blowers and pushed air ever. Arts in Louisville would like to go on accord as one organization which does not close down during the nicest time of the year when it is not bitter cold or rainy, nor a gloomy prospect for to go out and get next to something real. 

And to cater to more delicate twentieth century skins arts in Louisville has invested considerable in blowers and pushers so that when a person wanting to get next to something real gets next, he can, still, comfortably. 

Arts in Louisville is planning a summer fuller of events artwise than probably all wintertime long. There will be lots of jazz, local, and name out-of-towners if arrangements work out as hoped. The problem seems to be this: the fellows we want to hear. Those that have caught the connoisseurs’ fancies, all want to play for us from $900.00 to $3,500.00 for a one-night stand. At least that is what their agents have their hands out for. For our hall which seats a maximum of 250 jazz fiends, that would make individual tickets pretty steep, or even prohibitory. But. If a group of jazzmen are somewhere nearby playing for that kind of dough, and we can find out that they are going to be nearby enough in advance to warn everyone, we might be able to talk them into a more reasonable figure for an off-night concert – for art. If any of the travelling members of arts in Louisville come across jazz while travelling, the society would be done great good if it would be mentioned to these groups that this arts group is interested; please contact us. 

The art gallery is becoming increasingly more popular as time wears on. More and more pictures are finding homes among members. Shows will continue to change through the summer just as if nothing had happened climatically. 

Ballet programs at arts in Louisville this year have been rather rare and far between. But then again, -that’s ballet for you. 

The stage will be consecrated, rather, to original theatre this summer under the very able and imaginative direction of two local talents, john Seitz, and Wayne Begley. Every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night through the end of august, and then some, the newly formed arts in Louisville players. A repertory company, will present “world premieres”. This is not only an ambitious program; it is a worthy effort in the direction of thespian utopia. Any man, woman, or child who has ever mouthed the statement, or entertained the ridiculous notion that there should be someone, some group, somewhere. Someplace, somehow which would make an attempt to produce real, genuine, non-commercial theatre should get up from those electronic advertising machines long enough this summer to come and see real actors, treating real ideas without sponsors, ad agencies, networks, censors, leagues of deceny, politics, fund rasers, and better business bureaus interfering with the product. Think of it, a flesh and blood sweating living actor echoing pulsating voice sounds in a theatre in which you are in, feeling, recoiling, seat-edged. Seat-gripping. Chuckling et al. 

The truth of the church is sometimes demonstrated by its seeming timelessness. The Greeks had opened their box offices at least five centuries earlier, for whatever that is worth.

– Wrye June 1, 1959


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Diverse is an interesting choice for the name of this modest chapter five of Wrye Wryetings as it carries within its range of meanings a diverse bunch of diversities. The idea of diversion, that is as in the notion of distraction, where one’s previously undivided attention is re-channeled, or as in distraction where a French notion of entertainment or amusement is entertained. Diverse also implies a differing – Differences of style or kind or intention. 

Di*verse -adj. 

  1. Differing one from another. 
  2. Made up of distinct characteristics, qualities, or elements: “Prague . . . Offers visitors a series of excursions into a rich and diverse past” (Olivier bernier). middle English divers, from old French divers, from Latin dhversus, past participle of dhvertere. 

To divert. See divert. 

Di*vert-v. Di*vert•ed, di*vert*ing, -tr. 

  1. To turn aside from a course or direction: traffic was diverted around the scene of the accident.
  2. To distract: my attention was diverted by an argument between motorists. 
  3. To entertain by distracting the attention from worrisome thoughts or cares; amuse. See synonyms at amuse.


To turn aside. [middle English diverten. From old French divertir, from Latin divertere dh·, dis•, aside; see dis- + vertere. To turn; 


  1. To give great pleasure to thrill, enthrall. Bewitch. Captivate, charm, cheer, delight, electrify, enchant, enrapture. Entertain. Entrance, excite, gladden, gratify, please, pleasure, regale. Reward, satisfy. Spellbind, tickle. Titillate. Transport.

– American heritage dictionary


Pages one A and B are ensconced here in the diverse Wryetings chapter as a taste of Wrye poetizing about devilballs. This account of the discovery of devil balls was written by Leo Wrye late in the year of 1984 to account for the discovery and creation of the magic slu ball effect. Wrye, being a very private person naturally wished to shift the blame for the importance of his discovery from himself to avoid notoriety and unsought fame. He so then shifted the blame to a disenchanted gaul and atilla the hun.

Pages two A and B are a grammatical tour de force entitled “the infinitives of Leo Wrye” which appeared in the dead of night in the spring, compulsively forcing itself into the ryed·mind of Wrye. Imperatively demanding that he commit this quaint spew of infinitival absurdity to print. This array is an extended play on cliché word-groupings, word groupings which serve as a part of the cultural vocabulary of English speaking people and which play a major role in the peculiar thought processes of thinking in the English language. – so be it! 

Page three – a grammatical tour de force entitled “the adverbs of Leo Wrye” which appeared in the dead of night in the spring, compulsively forcing itself into the ryed-mind of Wrye, imperatively demanding that he commit this quaint spew of adverbial absurdity to print. This array is an extended play on cliché word-groupings, word groupings which serve as a part of the cultural vocabulary of English speaking people and which play a major role in the peculiar thought processes of thinking in the English language. – so be it! 

Page four forward – fifteen pages – entitled “Wrye Nevers.” – ensue from a “what-if” scenario. A Wrye attempt at an autobiography from a negative literary position exploring and stating that which Wrye had never been or had never done, in hopes of finding a clue to that which he might have been, or might have done, through a sampling of two thousand two hundred disclaimers. This array is an extended play on cliché word-groupings, word groupings which serve as a part of the cultural vocabulary of English speaking people and which play a major role in the peculiar thought processes of thinking in the English language. – so be it! 

Pages five a and b are an alliterative collection entitled “did little note nor long remember” derive from Mr. Lincoln’s visit to Gettysburg, and the creation and existence and inclusion of Wrye’s own selective handy-dandy lexicon – printed in chapter eight of this book three, volume three, as a Wrye “wreference,” – (q. v) 

Pages six a and b – a grammatical tour de force titled clichés “like a” which appeared in the dead of night in the spring, compulsively forcing itself into the ryed-mind of Wrye, imperatively demanding that he commit this quaint spew of clichés to print. This array is an extended play on cliché word-groupings, word groupings which serve as a part of the cultural vocabulary of English speaking people and which play a major role in the peculiar thought processes of thinking in the English language. – so be it!



In the terrible autumn of four fifty-three Attila wasted lombardie, marching on roma, sacking, raping, plunder, Huns, hordes, hordes of Huns Into the thick of which rode The emperor And the pope of Rome 

Valentinan three, Leo one, Ambassadors seeking to stave, to save.


Tendering treasures, beseeching the Hun “spare roma, spare roma” Roma just vandalized by the great Genseric in four five. 

– disastrously. 


Leo one, pope, now savior, and saint to be, made unrefusable offerings of the treasures of valentinian three, atilla, the scourge of god, did not refuse. 


All that has been secreted from Genseric, all that would be dug up again, all that dug up for Attila. 


Valentinian three, young and flushed by successful staving, Pondered, pondered upon a scheming plan, a plan to inflate his political ego.


 Rolling beneath the great fortress wagons of the great warrior Hun were great oaken slabs-ed wheels upon which were daubed, in color, great revolving, troubling, decorations, decorations perceived to be the very signature of the devil – devil one, the powerful magic source of the surreal invincibility of the awesome Hun 

– devil balls!


So flushed was he, valentinian three, he ask of Attila, please, might he, maybe, for, well, political reasons i.e., Might he, possibility, suggest a trade, With the great warrior hun? That is, his sister, justa grata, for a concession 

-Why not? – agreed –


To expunge those dreaded, revolving, revolting symbols, those devil balls, from those great slabs-ed wheels. 


Symbols meant not a jot to Attila. Why not? Back through wasted Lombardy rode he, promising expungement – back to the Danube. 

For valentinian three a coup! 


As ecstatic as ste. Therese, Valentinian three, and the pope, with proof of their great suasion now gained, laid anti-graphique plans. 


Bulls were edicted, Anathema, excommunication, execution, -the lions! For whomsoever or whatsoever reproduction of those interdicted, terrifying, dreadful Devil balls. 


Valentinian three, now historically secure Leo one, sainted as he so sought -Devil balls banned by their bulls, Banished and forgot – in the dustbins of history. 

– it was so thought.



In the gloomy winter of fifty-three, 

Seeking a clue to an historic mystery, 

An artist American 

Descended into the earth, 

At denfert rocherau, paree. 


Limestone mines for the lutetian edifice 

Of caesarian Gaul. 

A boneyard now, for a million stack-ed skulls. 

Into this gloom, he descended, 

Possibly to find, inscribed, left behind, 

A hint of the essence of the proscribed devil sauls 

Of atilla, Leo one, and valentinian three. 

A passing report, 

A discovered knights-templar cache, 

A mention of papal malediction, 

Of attila, 

Of roma. 

Of Lutetia, 


Might not some disenchanted Gaul, 

In defiance of the roman, and the pope, 

In secret, 

In the dark, have chiseled an interdicted image 

Upon some subterranean waul in this distant outpost? 

There. After days of searching, 

Deep within an unused passage – beyond the bones, deeply carved in marvelous detail, 

Not one, but nine, nine reliefs were found, 

The long lost, 

Devil balls!

Cautiously, secretly, painstakingly, 

Copied from that carved roof, 

The artist now possessed 

The secret 

Of attila, 

And valentinian three. 

From the dustbin of history, 

Devil balls, – resurrected –

Courtesy of me. 


Look upon this work and despair, dh, ozymandius. 

Leo Wrye 1984

This account of the discovery of devil balls was written by Leo Wrye late in the year of 1984 to account for the discovery and creation of the magic slu ball effect. Being a very private person he naturally wished to shift the importance of his discovery from himself to avoid notoriety and unsought fame. 

He so shifted the blame to the disenchanted Gaul and atilla.



“State fair 1955” 

Steven landow, in about and approximately the year nineteen and fifty-five, importuned Leo Wrye, seduced him that is, into making a copy of one of his latest magnificent abstract paintings by offering him and enticing him with a self-winding Swiss-watch which had real numbers on its face, an extreme rarity in the nineteen-fifties. -Wrye acquiesced. 

Landow subsequently left the country. He left his painting behind, left it somewhere where it became misplaced or destroyed or stolen by canny international art-thieves. It was never to be seen again. 

Thirty-five or forty years would pass and landow would reappear to darken the door of Wrye anew. But this time·, replacing the youthful jewel-hustler of autretemps, was now a respected shrink with a switzerlanderisch diploma – nevertheless and in spite of this, he is still and probably will ever remain an art connoisseur of the very first rank. 

His disappeared treasure, this previous great wrenching loss, had left him with a perpetual emotional carbuncle feeding upon the left ventricle of his now multiply by-passed heart. He imploringly importuned Wrye once more. He importuned and importuned and he importuned again, but to no avail. Wrye was as adamantly disinterested in heart therapies he was in archaic brush-stroking. 

After some years of disinterestedness, Wrye happened upon, cursorily, a trove of stashing’s in one of his dank and several ancient cellars in which to his everlasting astonishment he became mildly curious. There, rolled and stashed in an architectural mailing-tube device was a long forgotten canvas, an original working sketch, in oils, one-quarter the size of a painting he had created for that once magnificently voluptuous event, the annual state fair of the great commonwealth of Kentucky, which was held every year, and was being held again, that year, in nineteen and fifty-five. 

Wrye was the founder and director of the newly established society for the arts in Louisville (which aspired to become a national epidemic as the primal force behind a grand renaissance of all the arts in all America) -but didn’t. As director of this organization, Wrye was painting this painting as the opening salvo, as a symbol of the youth and vitality and exuberance and other stuff welling up in the arts and hearts of an awakening new America, -but it wasn’t. The finished painting was eleven feet long and three-foot-eight tall. It dominated this sacred annual art event in its grandeur, its elan, its exquisite and monumental perfection. 

The sketch was disinterred from its funereal tube, and disenrolled right then and there, at once, in that burial chamber of a cellar. It was crackled and damaged and faded and torn, its surface gridded and dimensioned in a long ago faded marker ink used to scale to its enlargement. It had been miserably abandoned, neglected, lost. Unburied and forgotten. 

The original had fared yet even quite worse. After the fair was over, and all exultations had receded, the king-size masterpiece was stored in an ice-factory building, which in turn turned into a cabinet factory, and then into something else, and eventually was forgotten altogether into oblivion. Its undeserved lachrymal fate is unreported and unrecorded in the annals of art. It is no more. 

Meanwhile back at the ranch, landow continued his importuning of Wrye. Wrye, to assuage this assiduous importuner. Suggested that this rediscovered masterpiece might be resurrected, recreated for this landow fellow. He suggested that the painting be physically executed by one of the artists closely affiliated with: -“‘rye, the accomplished and celebrated Louisville artist john Paul, (no last name), – Wrye acting primarily as the art director for the majestic recreation and resurrection from oblivion of this long-lost chef d’oeuvre from the long-ago steadier hand of led Wrye. Landow acquiesced enthusiastically. 

The painting was re-drawn on an apple computer. Its lines were expressed digitally to a laser postscript printer, which was given the command to print an automatically tiled image sixty-six inches wide. This it blithely accomplished, furnishing precise one quarter-inch overlap strips on each of the fifteen eight and one half by fourteen-inch print-outs. From these taped together pages the printed lines were traced to canvas and painted by john Paul in the finest Winsor and newton oil colors precisely mixed by Wrye. 

And thus, it was so accomplished. 

Shipped to Essex Connecticut, April fool’s day. 1997


As stated previously in the introduction, page two is a grammatical tour de force titled “the infinitives of Leo Wrye” which also appeared in the dead of night in the springtime compulsively forcing itself into the ryed-mind of Wrye, imperatively demanding that he commit this quaint spew of cliché infinitival absurdity to print.

To abuse power 

To act accordingly 

To amass a fortune 

To answer to one’s maker 

To ask not want not 

To balloon out of all proportion 

To bargain with the devil 

To barter with the devil 

To be as guilty as sin 

To be as quiet as a mouse 

To be at the end of one’s tether 

To be at the end of the rope 

To be at the top of the heap 

To be back in the saddle again 

To be better late than never 

To be born illegitimately 

To be brought up wrong 

To be caught in the maelstrom 

To be downhill from here on in 

To be feared of dyin’ 

To be from the manor born 

To be given over to platitudes 

To be given to exaggeration 

To be in the middle of the road 

To be left in the lurch 

To be low man on the totem pole 

To be not worth a hill of beans 

To be on one’s last legs 

To be on one’s toes 

To be on the far left 

To be on the far right 

To be over the barrel 

To be ripe for the picking 

To be steeped in sin 

To be tired of livin’ 

To be way out in left field 

To beam with pride 

To beat a dead horse 

To beef up the defenses 

To bell the cat

To bide one’s time 

To bite off more than one can chew 

To bite the bullet 

To blow the whistle 

To bottom out 

To break with tradition 

To bring about a settlement 

To bring down the house 

To bring home the bacon 

To bristle with contempt 

To broaden one’s horizons 

To brush aside adversity 

To bury the hatchet 

To buy a pig in a poke 

To buy precious time 

To cast one’s lot among thieves 

To cast pearls before swine 

To catch a cold 

To chase rainbows 

To chomp at the bit 

To come down with a fever 

To come into the money 

To come to a foregone conclusion 

To consider one’s options 

To contemplate one’s navel 

To contemplate suicide 

To crash the gate 

To crave sweets 

To cut no mean swath 

To damn with faint praise 

To dampen one’s spirits 

To dance the light fantastic 

To dare to be great 

To deal in shoddy goods 

To delve in dark secrets 

To dig deeper in one’s pockets 

To dig in one’s heels 

To discover what dreams are made of 

To do a three-sixty 

To do the right thing


To dodge the bullet 

To dot one’s i’s and cross one’s t’s 

To drive a hard bargain 

To drop a hint 

To drown in one’s own tears 

To dunk donuts 

To eat humble pie 

To eat like a hog 

To even the score 

To exercise one’s options 

To expect the very worst 

To fail in the stretch 

To fall like a ton of bricks 

To feather one’s oars 

To feel one’s oats 

To fiddle while rome burns 

To fight city hall 

To file it away 

To finally fizzle out 

To find solace in alcohol 

To finger the guilty 

To flay unmercifully 

To flinch at the thought 

To flush out the quarry 

To fly in the face of 

To follow the rules 

To forgive and forget 

To fry in the sun 

To fry with all the others 

To garner brownie points 

To gather no moss 

To gather rosebuds while ye may 

To gather together in prayer 

To generally look askance 

To get down to brass tacks 

To get in Dutch


To give ’em hell 

To give a hoop and a holler 

To give a little, take a little 

To give the finger to 

To give up all hope 

To give up the ghost 

To go bonkers 

To go down and dirty 

To go down for the count 

To go figure 

To go for broke 

To go for the blind side 

To go over the deep end 

To go the limit 

To go through thick and thin 

To grab the brass ring 

To have a hankering 

To have one foot in the grave 

To have three sheets to the wind 

To have three strikes against one 

To hope for the better 

To jump at the chance 

To just eke out a living 

To keep an eye out 

To keep on top of 

To lay in wait 

To lend an ear 

To lie down on the job


To look for an axe to grind 

To make a believer out of me 

To make a dent 

To make a herculean effort 

To make a hole in one 

To make a lasting impression 

To make a mountain out of a mole hill 

To make hay while the sunshine’s 

To manufacture lies 

To march in lockstep 

To march to a different drummer 

To mean no real harm 

To meet with adversity 

To mill around aimlessly 

To mind the store 

To monopolize the conversation 

To mouth platitudes 

To neither fish nor fowl 

To never hit a lick 

To not be worth a hill of beans 

To open up new horizons 

To pace up and down 

To paddle one’s own canoe 

To paint the town 

To pay the piper 

To pick a winner 

To plant one’s feet 

To play out the line 

To play the fool 

To pray for rain 

To pull the chain 

To put a shoulder to the wheel 

To put in one’s two cents worth 

To put on the dog 

To put the axe to the grindstone 

To raise one’s eyebrows 

To re-invent the wheel 

To reach the end of the line 

To revert to type 

To revisit the past 

To rob peter to pay Paul


To rue the day 

To run circles around 

To run it up the flagpole 

To sail through the course 

To save a stitch in time 

To save for a rainy day 

To seek refuge 

To seethe with anger 

To send for the preacher 

To separate the men from the boys 

To shiver one’s timbers 

To shoot full of holes 

To sink into the slough of despond 

To sink to the depths of despair 

To siphon off the profits 

To sit tight 

To slip into a coma 

To slip into something more comfortable 

To smell a rat 

To sour on the whole deal 

To speak tongue in cheek 

To spin one’s wheels 

To spit into the wind 

To squirm and wiggle out of it 

To stand for election 

To steal the march on 

To stick one’s nose into it 

To stick to one’s guns 

To stick to one’s story 

To stink to high heaven 

To strike while the iron is hot 

To sustain minor injuries 

To sweep it under the rug 

To swing in the breeze 

To take a double take 

To take a long hard look 

To take a peek at 

To take a step in the right direction 

To take a turn for the worse 

To take it easy 

To take no prisoners


To take no wooden nickels 

To take the ball and run with it 

To take the tiger by the tail 

To talk turkey 

To tangle with temptation 

To tell tales out of school 

To tempt fate 

To think better of it 

To thread the needle 

To tickle one’s fancy 

To tie one on 

To tighten one’s belt 

To to be left twisting in the wind 

To to flip one’s wig 

To to pile it on thick 

To to squirrel away 

To to tidy up a bit 

To toady up to authority 

To topple giants 

To trip the light fantastic 

To try one on for size 

To turn the lights down low 

To turn the tables 

To unbeknownst to me 

To up against it 

To up the ante 

To veer off the road 

To waffle in doubt 

To wag the tongue 

To watch one’s p’s and q’s 

To weasel out of it 

To weather the storm 

To weedle a raise 

To whistle Dixie 

To wile away the time 

To worship the ground


Leo Wrye Gainsays Alliteratively
Leo Wrye Lobotomizes Surreptitiously
Leo Wrye Ponders Shallowly
Leo Wrye Bemoans Semi-annually
Leo Wrye Abdicates Readily
Leo Wrye Exacerbates Relatively
Leo Wrye Writhes Insincerely
Leo Wrye Registers Incredulity
Leo Wrye Prattles Paradoxically
Leo Wrye Disgruntles Incipiently
Leo Wrye Winks Adversarily
Leo Wrye Cajoles Irresponsibly
Leo Wrye Worships Fatuously
Leo Wrye Continues Inexplicably
Leo Wrye Importunes Abominably
Leo Wrye Over shadows Iniquitously
Leo Wrye Slumps Ineffably
Leo Wrye Encompasses Multitudinously
Leo Wrye Prospers Irrespectively
Leo Wrye Condones Diligently
Leo Wrye Savors Voraciously
Leo Wrye Aggravates Retroactively
Leo Wrye Obviates Intuitively
Leo Wrye Abrogates Gratuitously
Leo Wrye Impugns Religiously
Leo Wrye Gambles Flippantly
Leo Wrye Beggars Questionably
Leo Wrye Practices Parabolically
Leo Wrye Confutes Avidly
Leo Wrye Cooperates Rarely
Leo Wrye Digresses Haltingly
Leo Wrye Radiates Radioactively
Leo Wrye Contributes Peculiarly
Leo Wrye Gravitates Uncooperatively
Leo Wrye Answers Questionably
Leo Wrye Drinks Ryely
Leo Wrye Diatribes Justifiably
Led Wrye Circulates Half-heartedly


Leo Wrye Evacuates Circumspectly
Leo Wrye Cannibalizes Cautiously
Leo Wrye Obfuscates Hauntingly
Leo Wrye Ameliorates Spasmodically
Leo Wrye Exuberates Haltingly
Leo Wrye Toe dances Infrequently
Leo Wrye Shows mercy Ineptly
Leo Wrye Cogitates Knowledgeably
Leo Wrye Ingratiates Loathsomely
Leo Wrye Expostulates Divisively
Leo Wrye Feigns Ambiguity
Leo Wrye Grovel s Infinitesimally
Leo Wrye Catapults Spectacularly
Leo Wrye Cavils Decorously
Leo Wrye Philanders Inexpensively
Leo Wrye Adumbrates Effusively
Leo Wrye Pursues Catatonically
Leo Wrye Trifles Hugely
Leo Wrye Lacerates Meekly
Leo Wrye Deflects Tangentially
Leo Wrye Defies Inestimably
Leo Wrye Conceives Immaculately
Leo Wrye Judges Injudiciously
Leo Wrye Vociferates Legibly
Leo Wrye Applauds Deficiently
Leo Wrye Parses Ungrammatically
Leo Wrye Sneezes Egregiously
Leo Wrye Pities Awkwardly
Leo Wrye Tolerates Disinterestedly
Leo Wrye Smirks Laughably
Leo Wrye Traverses Vertically
Leo Wrye Woofs Warpedly
Leo Wrye Mumbles Impressively
Leo Wrye Assassinates Characteristically
Leo Wrye Defects Heroically
Leo Wrye Disembowel s Efficaciously
Led Wrye Propounds Desultorily
Led Wrye Gambols Fleetingly


Leo Wrye Panders Jocundly
Leo Wrye Disappears Evanescently
Leo Wrye Calculates Irascibly
Leo Wrye Exaggerates Heuristically
Leo Wrye Jaunts Insouciantly
Leo Wrye Pontificates Irremissibly
Leo Wrye Awakens Exasperatedly
Leo Wrye Oozes Mercurially
Leo Wrye Gestures Noisomely
Leo Wrye Obviates Fortuitously
Leo Wrye Reciprocates Invidiously
Leo Wrye Lauds Laconically
Leo Wrye Jokes Scrofulously
Leo Wrye Harangues Soporifically
Leo Wrye Chants Strioulously
Leo Wrye Smiles Ribaldly
Leo Wrye Compromises Implacably
Leo Wrye Dangles Audaciously
Leo Wrye Desists Righteously
Leo Wrye Derogatates Regularly
Leo Wrye Fumes Adiabatically
Leo Wrye Scrutinizes Divergently
Leo Wrye Confabulates Direly
Leo Wrye Temporizes Tellingly
Leo Wrye Despises Aggressively
Leo Wrye Denigrates Affably
Leo Wrye Obligates Obligingly
Leo Wrye Tyrannizes Abstemiously
Leo Wrye Compares Favorably
Leo Wrye Pretends Precociously
Leo Wrye Embraces Malevolently
Leo Wrye Envisions Achromatically
Leo Wrye Endures Anomalously
Leo Wrye Maligns Melancholically
Leo Wrye Calumniates Auspiciously
Led Wrye Apologizes Atrociously
Led Wrye Confounds disingenuously
Led Wrye Eschews Notoriusly



As previously mentioned in the general introduction to chapter five’s diverse Wryetings, pages four abcdefghijklmmo stem from Wrye’s rye whiskey-minded compulsive neurotic literary habits occurring through, during, and over the night, mostly in the springtime for no apparent reason, whilst submersed in an ethyl alcoholic fog. 

Ensuing from a -what-if” scenario. This is a Wrye attempt at an autobiographical investigation from a negative literary position exploring and stating that which Wrye had never been or had never done, in hopes of finding a clue to that which he might have been, or might have done, through a sampling of two thousand two hundred cliché disclaimers. This array is an extended play on cliché word-groupings, word groupings which serve as a part of the cultural vocabulary of English speaking people and which play a major role in the peculiar thought processes of thinking in the English language. – so be it! 

This array of negatives, selected to express in these “diverse Wryetings,” the “nevers” of this “a Wrye life,” is a display of plays upon words, as has been said, upon cliché word-groupings, extracted from quaint expressions, as culled from Wrye’s cluttered mind. They are the proverbs, saws, verses, exhortations, caveats, aphorisms, edicts, observations, anthems, ditties, chanties, songs, legalisms, business talk, jokes, puns, scatology, slang, etc. -those time-worn expressions which peculiarly and powerfully express, somehow, unforgettably, some particularly poignant facet of life, personal, local, or universal, in some sort of such a magically exceptional way, that they have become curiously embedded in the minds and thoughts and language of all users of the language, and to such an incomprehensibly intrusive extent, that they forcibly have ensconced themselves so inextricably, that they have become a parallel cultural vocabulary of all English speaking people in such a way that, through their charm and wit, and sometimes their crudity, they play a major role in the interruption and the corruption of the very thought processes of those pretending to think, and to speak, and to comprehend coherently, in this cliché infiltrated wilderness of a language. 

Wrye has incorporated many (two thousand, two hundred) of these second’. Hand gems into this pseudo-biographical literary exercise as descriptive elements in this his “never has, never has had, never has been, nor has ever done” enumeration. 

Some, given Wrye’s incorrigibility, have, like “fractured French,” been inevitably and inimitably fractured and deranged by Wrye hisself.



Wrye has never abjured the balm of life

Wrye has never abhorred aborigines

Wrye has never accented the positive

Wrye has never accomplished original sin

Wrye has never accosted himself menacingly

Wrye has never ached imperceptibly

Wrye has never achieved millennium

Wrye has never acquitted himself respectably

Wrye has never acted autocratically

Wrye has never acted out his secret repressions

Wrye has never acted either up nor down either

Wrye has never activated prerogatives

Wrye has never added injury to insult

Wrye has never addled a pate

Wrye has never addressed semi-profound issues

Wrye has never adjudicated a settlement

Wrye has never admired pussyfooting agnostics

Wrye has never admonished ad nauseam

Wrye has never adored their holy savior

Wrye has never affirmed terrible guilt

Wrye has never aggravated an assaulter

Wrye has never agreed with very much at all

Wrye has never aired his difference in public

Wrye has never all at once felt giddy

Wrye has never alternated between poles

Wrye has never amplified the minuscule

Wrye has never anchored a bit offshore

Wrye has never answered a maiden’s prayer

Wrye has never answered for no man

Wrye has never answered off the top of his head

Wrye has never answered telemarketers civilly

Wrye has never answered without impunity

Wrye has never antedated the bellum

Wrye has never anticipated antipathetically

Wrye has never appealed to a higher authority

Wrye has never applauded an act of goo

Wrye has never applied a healing poultice

Wrye has never applied contemporary standards

Wrye has never appreciated Aristotle

Wrye has never approved of the unkindest cut

Wrye has never approved of unsupervised incest,

Wrye has never armed himself to the teeth

Wrye has never ascribed guilt recklessly

Wrye has never asked not and received not

Wrye has never asked not nor wanted not

Wrye has never asked why thou hast forsaken me

Wrye has never assaulted a battery

Wrye has never attained Mach speed

Wrye has never attempted a chaw of tobacco

Wrye has never attempted a crossing of the bar


Wrye has never attempted a temptress

Wrye has never attempted to make a tree

Wrye has never attended a necktie party

Wrye has never attended an Irish wake

Wrye has never attended pow-wows

Wrye has never auspiciously lay in wait

Wrye has never auto destructed automatically

Wrye has never automatically done the right thing

Wrye has never availed himself of the golden mean

Wrye has never backed and filled with doubt

Wrye has never backed into a hornet’s nest

Wrye has never backed off willingly

Wrye has never backpedaled grudgingly

Wrye has never badgered an umpire

Wrye has never baked to a crisp in the sun

Wrye has never bamboozled the man on the street

Wrye has never banged a drum slowly

Wrye has never banged a drum softly

Wrye has never banked a fire for the night

Wrye has never banked on the inevitable

Wrye has never bargained successfully with the devil

Wrye has never barked up at the wrong tree

Wrye has never barked up wronged trees

Wrye has never based his opinions on bedrocks

Wrye has never basked in the spotlight of fame

Wrye has never basked in undeserved notoriety

Wrye has never bathed in a tropical moonlight

Wrye has never bayed at the moon

Wrye has never beamed with misbegotten pride

Wrye has never bearded fools in their folly

Wrye has never bearded lions in their dens

Wrye has never become inured to electric shock

Wrye has never bedazzled the bourgeoisie

Wrye has never bedded down as a lion with a lamb

Wrye has never been a downright citizen

Wrye has never been a fan of mornings

Wrye has never been a fuddy-duddy od-godder

Wrye has never been a goody-goody two shoes

Wrye has never been a happy camper

Wrye has never been a harbinger of doom

Wrye has never been a loose cannon

Wrye has never been a low man on a totem pole

Wrye has never been a partner of the devil

Wrye has never been a patron of the saints

Wrye has never been a shoo-in for dogcatcher

Wrye has never been a successful chaser of rainbows

Wrye has never been a summertime patriot

Wrye has never been a sunshine soldier

Wrye has never been a target of investigations

Wrye has never been a valuable switch-hitter


Wrye has never been a viable candidate

Wrye has never been able to name that tune

Wrye has never been abraded by the sands of time

Wrye has never been accidently exposed to radiation

Wrye has never been acclaimed as the savior

Wrye has never been accused of malice afterthought

Wrye has never been accused of optimistic leanings

Wrye has never been accused of the coining of a phrase

Wrye has never been adulterated by so-called sin

Wrye has never been an anonymous alcoholic

Wrye has never been an enthusiastic spelunker

Wrye has never been an exceptional rocket scientist

Wrye has never been an inspiration to millions

Wrye has never been anointed with oil

Wrye has never been apprised of ominous events

Wrye has never been as dead as a doornail

Wrye has never been as quick as a bunny

Wrye has never been as quixotic as quixote

Wrye has never been as silent as church mice

Wrye has never been astronautically inclined

Wrye has never been backed into a corner

Wrye has never been behind at half-time

Wrye has never been between a devil and the deep blue

Wrye has never been betwixt rocks and hard places

Wrye has never been blessed with quintuplets

Wrye has never been bright-eyed or bushy-tailed

Wrye has never been burned in effigy

Wrye has never been by ecstasy transformed

Wrye has never been bypassed by surgery

Wrye has never been cancelled in midseason

Wrye has never been carried away screaming

Wrye has never been catapulted into early fame

Wrye has never been caught in jogging shoes

Wrye has never been caught in the act

Wrye has never been caught in the crossfire

Wrye has never been caught in the throes of anguish

Wrye has never been caught napping unawares

Wrye has never been caught up in a maelstrom

Wrye has never been caught up in contagious excitement

Wrye has never been charmed by sirens

Wrye has never been claustrophobic in an elevator

Wrye has never been confronted by nuclear war

Wrye has never been considered a complete angler

Wrye has never been consumed by passion

Wrye has never been contorted into a human knot

Wrye has never been counted down and out

Wrye has never been counted in a census

Wrye has never been daunted by a superior force

Wrye has never been declared infectiously contagious

Wrye has never been deeply steeped in dubious lore


Wrye has never been deflowered in a garden

Wrye has never been diagrammatically opposed

Wrye has never been distressed and downtrodden

Wrye has never been dressed fit to kill

Wrye has never been either forewarned or forearmed

Wrye has never been embarrassed by choix

Wrye has never been enthralled by ballet dancers

Wrye has never been equal among equals

Wrye has never been even slightly wild about harry

Wrye has never been ever so slightly inclined

Wrye has never been exalted on high

Wrye has never been fired by enthusiasm

Wrye has never been fit as a cucumber

Wrye has never been flung to the four winos

Wrye has never been fraught with fictitious glee

Wrye has never been full of surprises

Wrye has never been further from the truth

Wrye has never been gently manhandled

Wrye has never been geographically disoriented

Wrye has never been given enough rope to hang

Wrye has never been given over to smallish talk

Wrye has never been given the back of a hand

Wrye has never been given to high hyperbole

Wrye has never been gouged by a merchant of death

Wrye has never been guilty of all seven-at once

Wrye has never been guilty of the original sin

Wrye has never been guilty of understatement

Wrye has never been handled by professional handlers

Wrye has never been hoisted by anyone’s petard

Wrye has never been hoodwinked philosophically

Wrye has never been ideally suited for the role

Wrye has never been in big do-do

Wrye has never been in the eyes of the beholder

Wrye has never been incorrigibly wistful

Wrye has never been injected into a fray

Wrye has never been insufficient to the task

Wrye has never been interested in salubrity per se

Wrye has never been judged that he be not judged

Wrye has never been just in a nick of time

Wrye has never been knighted in armor

Wrye has never been left hanging in mid air

Wrye has never been legally certified

Wrye has never been licensed to kill

Wrye has never been licked by an adversary

Wrye has never been lifted up on high

Wrye has never been linked to organized crime

Wrye has never been lost in deep contemplation

Wrye has never been lucky enough to hit it lucky

Wrye has never been methodical in his anger

Wrye has never been mighty lak’ a rose


Wrye has never been more equal than not

Wrye has never been most rudely awakened

Wrye has never been near the end of his string

Wrye has never been offered a sinecure

Wrye has never been on pins and needles concurrently

Wrye has never been on tenterhooks

Wrye has never been on the wrong end of the stick

Wrye has never been open to suspicion

Wrye has never been opted out

Wrye has never been over a barrel

Wrye has never been paroled on his word

Wrye has never been positively or negatively charged

Wrye has never been prepared for roasting

Wrye has never been preposterously propositioned

Wrye has never been privy to state secrets

Wrye has never been proud before falling

Wrye has never been proud of the yankees

Wrye has never been pussywhipped

Wrye has never been quiet on his western front

Wrye has never been racked and pinioned

Wrye has never been rankled in the top ten

Wrye has never been rent asunder

Wrye has never been righteously indignant

Wrye has never been roundly censured

Wrye has never been run ragged

Wrye has never been seen again

Wrye has never been seriously egged on

Wrye has never been seriously wounded in combat

Wrye has never been set upon by mad dogs

Wrye has never been sickened by the stench

Wrye has never been spared all the grisly details

Wrye has never been subject to fits and starts

Wrye has never been subjected to a predicate

Wrye has never been taken aback too far

Wrye has never been taken down a notch

Wrye has never been tangibly rebuffed in sentiment

Wrye has never been tarred by the same brush

Wrye has never been tattered nor torn

Wrye has never been tendered a sizeable bribe

Wrye has never been tethered to aprons

Wrye has never been the pride of the yankees

Wrye has never been thoroughly miffed

Wrye has never been thought better of

Wrye has never been thought sacrosanct

Wrye has never been throttled and choked

Wrye has never been through living hell

Wrye has never been tired a livin’ and feared a dyin’

Wrye has never been to the slough of despond

Wrye has never been to the well of human kindness

Wrye has never been tongue lashed by sadists


Wrye has never been too discontent of a winter

Wrye has never been too smart for his britches

Wrye has never been totally absolved of his guilt

Wrye has never been tried by fire

Wrye has never been tried in absentia

Wrye has never been truly deeply committed

Wrye has never been twisted and wracked with pain

Wrye has never been unfruitful with the grape

Wrye has never been up to his ankles in filth

Wrye has never been up to sniffing snuff

Wrye has never been visited by aliens

Wrye has never been wafted away on a gentle breeze

Wrye has never been without exception

Wrye has never been wont to exaggerate

Wrye has never beetled his brow menacingly

Wrye has never befriended undertakers

Wrye has never beggared the imagination

Wrye has never begged for a second chance

Wrye has never begged or beggared a question

Wrye has never belabored a question laboriously

Wrye has never beleaguered a little leaguer

Wrye has never believed believers unbelievable beliefs

Wrye has never believed chicken little’s panicking

Wrye has never believed fairy’s tales

Wrye has never believed for a second in a first coming

Wrye has never believed for a second in a second coming

Wrye has never believed in groundhog prognosis

Wrye has never believed in innocent bystanders

Wrye has never believed it or not

Wrye has never believed that big-bang nonsense

Wrye has never believed the cherry tree story

Wrye has never believed the meek would inherit earth

Wrye has never believed what he heard

Wrye has never belted out a stentorian chorus

Wrye has never bemoaned a blown opportunity

Wrye has never benefitted from clergy

Wrye has never benefitted from global warming

Wrye has never bent over backwards

Wrye has never bent the truth, very much

Wrye has never bested the pack unscathed

Wrye has never bided his time patiently

Wrye has never bit a feeding hand

Wrye has never bit his nails to the bone

Wrye has never bit off more than he could

Wrye has never bit the hand he feeds himself with

Wrye has never bitten a bullet

Wrye has never blamed the messenger

Wrye has never blathered to the authorities

Wrye has never bled the sick

Wrye has never blessed bess


Wrye has never blocked an artery 

Wrye has never blossomed into a lovely woman 

Wrye has never blown his cover 

Wrye has never blown his nose off and on 

Wrye has never boggled an imagination 

Wrye has never bolted and run for cover 

Wrye has never bolted out of the blue 

Wrye has never boned up on hieroglyphics 

Wrye has never bordered on the fringes of sanity 

Wrye has never bored from within 

Wrye has never borne false witnesses 

Wrye has never bottomed out eventually 

Wrye has never bought the farm 

Wrye has never bought time on time 

Wrye has never bounced a czech 

Wrye has never bowed and scraped 

Wrye has never braced for an onslaught 

Wrye has never bragged insufficiently 

Wrye has never branched out dendritically 

Wrye has never breathed a long and heavy sigh of relief 

Wrye has never breathed not a single word of it 

Wrye has never bridled at the thought 

Wrye has never brightened the dark corner where he lay 

Wrye has never broadened his horizon 

Wrye has never broken any long standing records 

Wrye has never broken his mother’s back crack stepping 

Wrye has never broken his words 

Wrye has never broken out all over 

Wrye has never broken ranks or wind intentionally 

Wrye has never broken the golden rule 

Wrye has never brought back any bacon 

Wrye has never brought down ignominious opprobrium 

Wrye has never brought in a bumpercrop 

Wrye has never brought up illegitimacy 

Wrye has never browned his nose 

Wrye has never budged even an inch 

Wrye has never buggered a choir boy 

Wrye has never built a bonnie bonfire 

Wrye has never built castles on shifting sands 

Wrye has never built mountains from molehills 

Wrye has never built upon false premises 

Wrye has never buried an expensive hatchet 

Wrye has never burned his bridges in the night 

Wrye has never burned the midnight oil 

Wrye has never burrowed beneath the corruption 

Wrye has never bushwhacked a desperado 

Wrye has never busied himself industrially 

Wrye has never buttered anybody up or down 

Wrye has never cackled with glee 

Wrye has never called down a plague of locusts


Wrye has never called for his pipe nor his bowl 

Wrye has never called out the troops 

Wrye has never called to mind the shadowy past 

Wrye has never calumniated menacingly 

Wrye has never campaigned on a shoestring 

Wrye has never cancelled a czech 

Wrye has never candled an egg for what it was worth 

Wrye has never cantered about upon horses 

Wrye has never capitulated unnecessarily 

Wrye has never cared for whom the bell tools 

Wrye has never careened about drunkenly 

Wrye has never caromed off guardrails 

Wrye has never carpe diemed 

Wrye has never carried a big stick and spoke softly 

Wrye has never carried a flaming torch for very long 

Wrye has never carried on irregardless 

Wrye has never carried out a corpse 

Wrye has never carved out an uncomfortable niche 

Wrye has never cast his bread upon the water 

Wrye has never cast out the demons from among them 

Wrye has never cast pearls in front of little pigs 

Wrye has never cast the first stone first 

Wrye has never catapulted himself to fame 

Wrye has never caterwauled at night 

Wrye has never caught a catarrh 

Wrye has never caught a Venus in a flytrap 

Wrye has never caught his breath a moment too late 

Wrye has never caught twenty-two 

Wrye has never caved in to temptation 

Wrye has never caviled trivially 

Wrye has never ceased to desist 

Wrye has never celebrated a hollow victory 

Wrye has never celebrated bar mitzvah 

Wrye has never chained a gang 

Wrye has never championed a good cause 

Wrye has never championed consensual sodomy 

Wrye has never changed horses mid-stream 

Wrye has never charged the light brigade 

Wrye has never charted a zig-zag course 

Wrye has never charted uncharted wastes 

Wrye has never chased evanescent rainbows 

Wrye has never chastised repentant felons 

Wrye has never chastised the naughty 

Wrye has never cheated death itself 

Wrye has never cheated on maiden aunts 

Wrye has never cheated the devil 

Wrye has never cheered for the other team 

Wrye has never cheered on the hindmost 

Wrye has never chewed a cud 

Wrye has never chewed upon a rug


Wrye has never chided churlish children 

Wrye has never chilled a spine 

Wrye has never chimed in resoundingly 

Wrye has never chipped off old blocks 

Wrye has never chirped merrily 

Wrye has never choked up over anything 

Wrye has never chomped at or on the bit 

Wrye has never chopped sticks 

Wrye has never circled the wagons 

Wrye has never circumscribed his surroundings 

Wrye has never claimed amnesty 

Wrye has never claimed diplomatic immunity 

Wrye has never claimed inner sanctuary 

Wrye has never claimed omnipotent omniscience 

Wrye has never clamored to be great 

Wrye has never cleaned up his act 

Wrye has never cleared out the riffraff 

Wrye has never cleared the air 

Wrye has never climaxed repeatedly 

Wrye has never climbed a beanpole 

Wrye has never climbed the highest of mountains

Wrye has never climbed upon a bandwagon 

Wrye has never clobbered one into left 

Wrye has never closed a sweetheart’s deal 

Wrye has never clung on for very long 

Wrye has never clung to dizzying heights 

Wrye has never clung to half truths 

Wrye has never coffered a ceiling 

Wrye has never collaborated with destiny 

Wrye has never collapsed back in on himself 

Wrye has never combed the backcountry 

Wrye has never come a cropper 

Wrye has never come across a true hermaphrodite 

Wrye has never come apart at the seams 

Wrye has never come as close as a whisker 

Wrye has never come down hard on miscreants 

Wrye has never come full circle 

Wrye has never come out fighting mad 

Wrye has never come to the parting of the ways 

Wrye has never come up smelling lak’ a rose 

Wrye has never come within an inch of his life 

Wrye has never compared apples with oranges 

Wrye has never complained bitterly enough 

Wrye has never completely lost all his marbles 

Wrye has never compounded dis-interest 

Wrye has never compounded his fall to sin 

Wrye has never compromised a pending agreement

 Wrye has never compromised his virginity 

Wrye has never concealed contraband internally 

Wrye has never conceived of a virgin Mary


Wrye has never condoned blatant homosapienism 

Wrye has never condoned scurrilousness 

Wrye has never condoned tonsuring 

Wrye has never confirmed a direct hit 

Wrye has never confused religion and sanity 

Wrye has never congenitally lied 

Wrye has never congered up eels 

Wrye has never congratulated losers 

Wrye has never considered a bird in a bush 

Wrye has never considered his options 

Wrye has never considered malice aforethought 

Wrye has never considered the alternative 

Wrye has never considered the lilies of the fields 

Wrye has never conspired conspiratorially 

Wrye has never constituted a majority 

Wrye has never consummated surreptitiously 

Wrye has never contacted god personally 

Wrye has never contained even small multitudes 

Wrye has never contemplated clean breasts 

Wrye has never contemplated his navel 

Wrye has never contemplated other’s navels 

Wrye has never contracted a sorry trade 

Wrye has never contracted double pneumonia 

Wrye has never contributed to the decline and fall 

Wrye has never copped a bargained plea 

Wrye has never cordoned off a square 

Wrye has never cornered the market 

Wrye has never corroborated evidence 

Wrye has never couched his threats 

Wrye has never coughed up a sizeable sum 

Wrye has never coughed up an answer 

Wrye has never coughed up much evidence 

Wrye has never courted colossal failure 

Wrye has never covered himself with glory 

Wrye has never covered his tracks 

Wrye has never coveted a pharaoh’s tomb 

Wrye has never coveted his mother-in-law 

Wrye has never cowered in holy terror 

Wrye has never crammed for an exam 

Wrye has never cramped a style 

Wrye has never cranked out tinpan alley melodies 

Wrye has never craved absolution 

Wrye has never craved artichokes 

Wrye has never craved carcinogens 

Wrye has never creamed the opposition 

Wrye has never created a minor sensation 

Wrye has never created a shadow of doubt 

Wrye has never created an ugly situation 

Wrye has never cried bitterly in his bitters 

Wrye has never cried crocodile tears


Wrye has never cried out for his uncle

Wrye has never cried out in the dead of night

Wrye has never cried over spilled anything

Wrye has never cried wolf very loudly

Wrye has never cringed in holy terror

Wrye has never crossed bridges prematurely

Wrye has never crossed his eyes and dotted his t’s

Wrye has never crossed over the line

Wrye has never crossed over the river Jordan

Wrye has never crossed rivers running red with blood

Wrye has never crossed the bar

Wrye has never crossed the bounding main

Wrye has never crossed the Rubicon again

Wrye has never crushed an aspiration

Wrye has never cuddled a melancholy baby

Wrye has never cursed the ground he walked upon

Wrye has never cut a broad swath

Wrye has never cut a stylish figure fatally

Wrye has never cut a tooth lately

Wrye has never cut mustard

Wrye has never dabbled in art forgery

Wrye has never dammed the flood of humanity

Wrye has never damned with faint phrases

Wrye has never dampened a blithe spirit

Wrye has never danced lasciviously

Wrye has never danced the gigue and hornpipe

Wrye has never danced the hopek either

Wrye has never dangled temptations

Wrye has never dared to be great

Wrye has never darkened a door

Wrye has never darkened a path to wander in

Wrye has never darted in and out

Wrye has never decaffinated beans

Wrye has never decked himself out

Wrye has never declared insolvency

Wrye has never declined in spirit

Wrye has never defied recognition

Wrye has never defoliated a virgin

Wrye has never delighted in foolish fancy

Wrye has never delighted in Jesus

Wrye has never delighted unseen audiences

Wrye has never demeaned the eternal cockroach

Wrye has never denied omniscience

Wrye has never denigrated white people

Wrye has never denounced apostasy

Wrye has never departed en train

Wrye has never departed part and parcel

Wrye has never depleted any ozone on his own

Wrye has never deprecated nay Sayers

Wrye has never deranged an old man


Wrye has never dereucted his duty 

Wrye has never derided new fangles 

Wrye has never descended from apes 

Wrye has never descended into the bowels of the earth 

Wrye has never deserved better 

Wrye has never deserved forty lashes 

Wrye has never despaired beyond all hope 

Wrye has never desperately lit smudge pots 

Wrye has never detoured deviants 

Wrye has never developed a tic 

Wrye has never devilled eggs 

Wrye has never divined prophesies 

Wrye has never devoured his seed corn 

Wrye has never dialed “m” for murder 

Wrye has never died a thousand deaths 

Wrye has never died happily for a cause 

Wrye has never died in the wool 

Wrye has never died on a vine 

Wrye has never differed on substantial issues 

Wrye has never digressed interminably 

Wrye has never dilated a cervix 

Wrye has never dined fastidiously 

Wrye has never dipped a pinch of snuff 

Wrye has never dipped his wick 

Wrye has never disabled explosive devices 

Wrye has never disappeared completely 

Wrye has never disappeared in a puff of smoke 

Wrye has never disappeared into the woodwork 

Wrye has never disavowed his birthright 

Wrye has never discovered a pearl of wisdom 

Wrye has never disencumbered believers 

Wrye has never disestablished a tarian 

Wrye has never disfigured bank statements 

Wrye has never dished out what he could take 

Wrye has never disintered relatives 

Wrye has never disliked dyslexics 

Wrye has never disparaged Omar Khayyam 

Wrye has never disparaged remarks 

Wrye has never disparaged teenage sex 

Wrye has never disposed of napkins 

Wrye has never dispossessed the homeless 

Wrye has never disrupted a seance 

Wrye has never dissembled knowingly 

Wrye has never distended bladders 

Wrye has never distracted undue attention 

Wrye has never disturbed children 

Wrye has never disturbed hornet nests 

Wrye has never disturbed sleeping giants 

Wrye has never dived for pearls 

Wrye has never diverted rivers or streams


Wrye has never divided and conquered 

Wrye has never divorced old barren reason from his bed 

Wrye has never divulged common knowledge 

Wrye has never divulged the secret of it all 

Wrye has never divvied up the goodies 

Wrye has never doctored his own wounds 

Wrye has never dodged verbal brickbats 

Wrye has never dog eared a dictionary 

Wrye has never dogged his heels 

Wrye has never done as the romans do 

Wrye has never done dastardly deeds 

Wrye has never done dirty diapers 

Wrye has never done profuse community service 

Wrye has never doomed his chances 

Wrye has never dosed on his own medicine 

Wrye has never doubled up in laughter 

Wrye has never doubted a Thomas 

Wrye has never dove to the bottom and never came up 

Wrye has never downed a raw oyster 

Wrye has never downloaded a virus 

Wrye has never dragged a streambed 

Wrye has never drawn a short straw 

Wrye has never dreaded an inevitable dreadful outcome 

Wrye has never dreaded things from lagoons 

Wrye has never dreamed of airborne castles 

Wrye has never dreamed of mares in the night 

Wrye has never dredged the deepest secrets 

Wrye has never dressed a turkey gobbler 

Wrye has never dressed all in white linen 

Wrye has never dross allayed 

Wrye has never drowned rats 

Wrye has never drunk the hair of a biting dog 

Wrye has never drunk to the last drop 

Wrye has never drunk whiskey in moderation 

Wrye has never ducked all responsibility 

Wrye has never dug his own grave and lay in it 

Wrye has never dug in for the night 

Wrye has never dug in his heels 

Wrye has never dug more deeply into his pockets 

Wrye has never earned a merit badge honestly 

Wrye has never eaten crow 

Wrye has never eaten his heart out 

Wrye has never eaten humble pie 

Wrye has never elevated the temperature 

Wrye has never eliminated the negative 

Wrye has never embroidered his ego 

Wrye has never empaneled a jury 

Wrye has never encouraged excessive enthusiasm 

Wrye has never encouraged opprobrium 

Wrye has never enfilitrated the ranks


Wrye has never engaged in backbreaking labor 

Wrye has never enhanced uranium 

Wrye has never enjoyed rigor-mortis 

Wrye has never enjoyed rubbing elbows 

Wrye has never enjoyed the nausea of mal de mer 

Wrye has never enjoyed the taste of ambrosia 

Wrye has never entered into a holy alliance 

Wrye has never entered into a widening gulf 

Wrye has never entered the kingdom of heaven 

Wrye has never enthusiastically cheered a loser 

Wrye has never envied gynecologists 

Wrye has never equivocated in the face of adversity 

Wrye has never erred on the side of forgiveness 

Wrye has never eulogized indiscriminately 

Wrye has never even briefly stomached theology 

Wrye has never even burned his candle on one end 

Wrye has never even considered gathering rosebuds 

Wrye has never even considered peeling a grape 

Wrye has never even slightly dented the surface 

Wrye has never ever held cows to be sacred 

Wrye has never ever malingered for very long 

Wrye has never eviscerated skeletons 

Wrye has never evolved knowingly 

Wrye has never exacted pounds of flesh 

Wrye has never exaggerated his antipathy 

Wrye has never examined astigmatically 

Wrye has never exceeded his grasp 

Wrye has never exercised his human rights 

Wrye has never exerted undue influence 

Wrye has never exhaled noxious fumes 

Wrye has never exhausted all means 

Wrye has never exhausted his priorities 

Wrye has never exhibited new found bliss 

Wrye has never exhibited singular patience 

Wrye has never exhumed family members 

Wrye has never exited smirking 

Wrye has never experienced a joy forever 

Wrye has never experienced metaphysically 

Wrye has never experienced perfect bliss 

Wrye has never experienced zero gravity 

Wrye has never expired unexpectedly 

Wrye has never exploded with enthusiasm 

Wrye has never exploited the odds 

Wrye has never expressed his utter disdain 

Wrye has never expressed mealy mouthed objections 

Wrye has never extenuated circumstances 

Wrye has never forgiven and / or forgot 

Wrye has never fabricated a baldfaced fabrication 

Wrye has never fabricated a tale of woe 

Wrye has never fabricated half truths


Wrye has never faced insurmountable odds 

Wrye has never faced too many vicissitudes 

Wrye has never facilitated bigamous behavior 

Wrye has never factored in organized crime 

Wrye has never failed a Wassermann 

Wrye has never failed to please 

Wrye has never failed to show up sooner or later 

Wrye has never failed when the chips were down 

Wrye has never fallen in among thieves 

Wrye has never fallen into an abysmal slump 

Wrye has never fallen into mild disrepute 

Wrye has never fallen prey to city slickers 

Wrye has never fallen prey to the general malaise 

Wrye has never fallen upon hard times 

Wrye has never fallen victim to his prey 

Wrye has never fared thee well 

Wrye has never fashioned a gun from soap 

Wrye has never faulted saint Andrea’s 

Wrye has never favored annexation 

Wrye has never favored favorite sons 

Wrye has never feared crushing retribution 

Wrye has never feared no evil 

Wrye has never feared to tread among angels 

Wrye has never fearlessly expounded upon things 

Wrye has never feasted upon infidelity 

Wrye has never fed a cold sumptuously 

Wrye has never feigned hypocrisy privately 

Wrye has never feigned implacability 

Wrye has never feigned the spirit of goodwill 

Wrye has never feinted a left 

Wrye has never fell an appreciable distance 

Wrye has never felt he would be better off dead 

Wrye has never felt it in his guts 

Wrye has never felt much better for it 

Wrye has never festooned a bough with holly 

Wrye has never fetched a pail of water 

Wrye has never fiddled a second fiddle 

Wrye has never fiddled around very much 

Wrye has never fiddled Dee Dee 

Wrye has never fiddled during conflagrations 

Wrye has never fielded a tricky question 

Wrye has never figured insignificantly 

Wrye has never figured it all out yet 

Wrye has never filched nickels and dimes 

Wrye has never filed a long brief 

Wrye has never filed unabashedly into a courtroom 

Wrye has never fingered a pedophile 

Wrye has never fingered an international agent 

Wrye has never fired a cracker 

Wrye has never fired at will


Wrye has never fired before he saw the white 

Wrye has never fired on innocent bystanders 

Wrye has never fired point blank 

Wrye has never fished for compliments 

Wrye has never fixed his gaze 

Wrye has never fizzled out 

Wrye has never flagellated a nun 

Wrye has never flailed the golden grain 

Wrye has never flapped in the breeze 

Wrye has never flashed in a pan momentarily 

Wrye has never flattened a pancake 

Wrye has never flaunted dipsomania 

Wrye has never flaunted his disgust privately 

Wrye has never fleeced millionaires 

Wrye has never flipped his wig 

Wrye has never flirted with death on occasion 

Wrye has never floated a battleship 

Wrye has never floated like a zephyr 

Wrye has never flogged an infidel 

Wrye has never flown as a crow flies 

Wrye has never flown as straight as an arrow 

Wrye has never flown in a face 

Wrye has never flown into a tantrum 

Wrye has never flown off his handle 

Wrye has never flown through the air with the greatest 

Wrye has never flung it to the wino like rain 

Wrye has never flunked a rorschach 

Wrye has never focussed on infinity 

Wrye has never followed the leader 

Wrye has never fondled a you know what 

Wrye has never fooled a round 

Wrye has never forbidden fruit 

Wrye has never forged a head 

Wrye has never forged temporary relationships 

Wrye has never forgiven and forgot 

Wrye has never forgiven his trespassers 

Wrye has never forgiven them for what they do 

Wrye has never forgotten memorabilia 

Wrye has never forgotten pearl harbor 

Wrye has never forgotten the alamo 

Wrye has never forgotten the time that-

Wrye has never forsworn an oath 

Wrye has never fought bare knuckled 

Wrye has never fought bravely in the trenches 

Wrye has never fought his way out of a paper bag 

Wrye has never fought like a tiger 

Wrye has never fought off despondency 

Wrye has never fought the good fight viciously 

Wrye has never fought windmills foolishly 

Wrye has never fouled a nest inadvertently


Wrye has never found enough loopholes 

Wrye has never found flea markets bizarre 

Wrye has never found footprints on his dashboard 

Wrye has never found no room at the inn 

Wrye has never found patience and fortitude 

Wrye has never found regret preferable to remorse 

Wrye has never found solace in jesus 

Wrye has never found solace rewarding 

Wrye has never found things all topsy-turvy 

Wrye has never found walking on eggs productive 

Wrye has never fractured french 

Wrye has never framed a question constitutionally 

Wrye has never freighted good intentions 

Wrye has never frequented high places 

Wrye has never frequented houses of ill -repute 

Wrye has never fried in the chair 

Wrye has never frightened the boogieman away 

Wrye has never fulfilled a prophecy 

Wrye has never fully triumphed over sin 

Wrye has never gainsaid the truth 

Wrye has never galavanted about 

Wrye has never galvanized attention 

Wrye has never garnered enough relief 

Wrye has never gathered by the riverside 

Wrye has never gathered rosebuds while he may have 

Wrye has never gathered together here 

Wrye has never gauged the mettle of another man 

Wrye has never gave a hoot and a holler 

Wrye has never gave at the office 

Wrye has never generated vipers 

Wrye has never genuflected 

Wrye has never gilded lilies needlessly 

Wrye has never given a diddly you know what 

Wrye has never given a hoot in hell 

Wrye has never given a moment’s notice 

Wrye has never given a sucker an even break 

Wrye has never given an inch 

Wrye has never given at the office 

Wrye has never given it much thought 

Wrye has never given proof through the night 

Wrye has never given the back of his hand 

Wrye has never given tits for tats 

Wrye has never given up any ghosts 

Wrye has never glanced off a hard surface 

Wrye has never glimpsed an apocalypse 

Wrye has never gloried in debauchery 

Wrye has never gone along with it 

Wrye has never gone an extra mile unwittingly 

Wrye has never gone at it tooth and nails 

Wrye has never gone at it with pick and shovel


Wrye has never gone berserk inopportunely 

Wrye has never gone beyond the pale 

Wrye has never gone cold turkey very often 

Wrye has never gone down for the count 

Wrye has never gone down in flame 

Wrye has never gone down swinging 

Wrye has never gone down the tubes 

Wrye has never gone down with a sinking ship 

Wrye has never gone Dutch much 

Wrye has never gone for a three pointer 

Wrye has never gone for broke 

Wrye has never gone from hand to mouth 

Wrye has never gone into a frenzy 

Wrye has never gone into a tailspin 

Wrye has never gone like a bat out of hell 

Wrye has never gone off half-cocked 

Wrye has never gone off the deep or shallow end 

Wrye has never gone over the hill 

Wrye has never gone the way of all flesh 

Wrye has never gone the way of the dinosaurs 

Wrye has never gone to a proverbial woodshed 

Wrye has never gone to greener pastures 

Wrye has never gone to ground 

Wrye has never gone to hell and back 

Wrye has never gone to hell in a handbasket 

Wrye has never gone to the dogs 

Wrye has never gone to the nth degree 

Wrye has never gone to the very ends of the earth 

Wrye has never Gone with the Wind 

Wrye has never goosed a goblin 

Wrye has never goosed goslings 

Wrye has never goosed the gander either 

Wrye has never gorged on corn bread 

Wrye has never got anything off his chest 

Wrye has never got to know any ropes personally 

Wrye has never gotten along with doggies 

Wrye has never gotten down among brass tacks 

Wrye has never gotten his dander up 

Wrye has never gotten in like Flynn 

Wrye has never gotten in too deep over his head 

Wrye has never gotten it off the tip of his tongue 

Wrye has never gotten over his miracle birth 

Wrye has never gotten too far out in left field 

Wrye has never gotten tough when the tough got going 

Wrye has never gotten up on the right side of bed 

Wrye has never gouged out an eyeball 

Wrye has never grabbed the brass ring 

Wrye has never graced his table with grace 

Wrye has never graciously declined 

Wrye has never grasped at straws


Wrye has ever grazed a meadow 

Wrye has never greeted the dawn intentionally 

Wrye has never groped a you know what 

Wrye has never groped beneath a belt 

Wrye has never grown an upper hand 

Wrye has never grown seriously apprehensive 

Wrye has never guffawed grossly 

Wrye has never had a bad day at black rock 

Wrye has never had a benefit of clergy 

Wrye has never had a better time 

Wrye has never had a bird in the hand 

Wrye has never had a bitter end 

Wrye has never had a brush with eternity 

Wrye has never had a cake and didn’t eat it 

Wrye has never had a carefully mowed lawn 

Wrye has never had a cat in a fiddle 

Wrye has never had a catch in his throat 

Wrye has never had a cause celebre 

Wrye has never had a chinaman’s chance 

Wrye has never had a chip on his shoulder 

Wrye has never had a clue 

Wrye has never had a conniption fit 

Wrye has never had a deadly feud 

Wrye has never had a decent chance 

Wrye has never had a defining moment 

Wrye has never had a degree of sympathy 

Wrye has never had a delusion of grandeur 

Wrye has never had a desperate hour 

Wrye has never had a diffident attitude 

Wrye has never had a dismal prognostication

Wrye has never had a distorted image 

Wrye has never had a dubious pedigree 

Wrye has never had a dull moment 

Wrye has never had a fair chance 

Wrye has never had a faraway look in his eyes 

Wrye has never had a fatal flaw 

Wrye has never had a fatal warning 

Wrye has never had a feeling for tyranny 

Wrye has never had a flight of fancy 

Wrye has never had a foggy notion 

Wrye has never had a fond memory 

Wrye has never had a foot of clay 

Wrye has never had a game leg 

Wrye has never had a glimpse of eternity 

Wrye has never had a god awful headache 

Wrye has never had a good word for Baptists 

Wrye has never had a great expectation 

Wrye has never had a green thumb 

Wrye has never had a gregarious nature 

Wrye has never had a half dozens of one


Wrye has never had a hand in the till 

Wrye has never had a hankering for work 

Wrye has never had a housemaid’s knee 

Wrye has never had a jolly jolly sixpence 

Wrye has never had a last ditch stand 

Wrye has never had a least bit of trouble 

Wrye has never had a leg up 

Wrye has never had a lion by the tail 

Wrye has never had a magic moment 

Wrye has never had a massive hemorrhage 

Wrye has never had a menacing demeanor 

Wrye has never had a mistaken identity 

Wrye has never had a moment’s doubt 

Wrye has never had a pain in the ass 

Wrye has never had a painful awakening 

Wrye has never had a paper doll to call his own 

Wrye has never had a parallel universe 

Wrye has never had a partial melt down 

Wrye has never had a penchant for calisthenics 

Wrye has never had a penchant for persiflage 

Wrye has never had a perfect day 

Wrye has never had a personal bodyguard 

Wrye has never had a piece of the action 

Wrye has never had a piece of the pie 

Wrye has never had a pig in a poke 

Wrye has never had a plague of locusts 

Wrye has never had a power of attorney 

Wrye has never had a praiseworthy attitude

Wrye has never had a preposterous proposition 

Wrye has never had a presence of mind 

Wrye has never had a previous arrangement 

Wrye has never had a primordial urge 

Wrye has never had a probable cause 

Wrye has never had a reason to rejoice 

Wrye has never had a reasonable doubt 

Wrye has never had a resounding triumph 

Wrye has never had a round under par 

Wrye has never had a row to hoe 

Wrye has never had a run for his money 

Wrye has never had a second shot at it 

Wrye has never had a second thought 

Wrye has never had a shabby notion 

Wrye has never had a skeleton in his closet 

Wrye has never had a snowball’s chance in hades 

Wrye has never had a song in his heart 

Wrye has never had a talk with a Dutch uncle 

Wrye has never had a terrible consequence 

Wrye has never had a thorough going knowledge 

Wrye has never had a tiger by the tail 

Wrye has never had a time of reconciliation


Wrye has never had a top ten finish 

Wrye has never had a total recall 

Wrye has never had a total remission 

Wrye has never had a trial by fire 

Wrye has never had a trusty old rifle 

Wrye has never had a twinge of a heart string 

Wrye has never had a viable excuse 

Wrye has never had a vicious circle of friends 

Wrye has never had a whooping cough 

Wrye has never had a winning hunch 

Wrye has never had a yen for olden times 

Wrye has never had an ace in his hole 

Wrye has never had an antipathy toward alcohol 

Wrye has never had an artistic block 

Wrye has never had an awkward moment 

Wrye has never had an axe to grind 

Wrye has never had an ear to the ground 

Wrye has never had an easy time of it 

Wrye has never had an equal access 

Wrye has never had an evil influence 

Wrye has never had an exaggerated sense 

Wrye has never had an excessive compunction 

Wrye has never had an excruciating pain 

Wrye has never had an honest job 

Wrye has never had an imperfect occlusion 

Wrye has never had an impossible dream 

Wrye has never had an improper perspective 

Wrye has never had an ingratiating smile 

Wrye has never had an inkling of dread 

Wrye has never had an iron in the fire 

Wrye has never had an irrepressible urge 

Wrye has never had an irresistible charm 

Wrye has never had an overweening charisma 

Wrye has never had an ugly duckling 

Wrye has never had an undue recompense 

Wrye has never had an unmitigated longing 

Wrye has never had an unscratchable itch 

Wrye has never had an unsolicited second opinion 

Wrye has never had an unswerving devotion 

Wrye has never had ants in his pants 

Wrye has never had any eggs in his basket 

Wrye has never had both hands tied behind him 

Wrye has never had cold feet but a warm heart 

Wrye has never had enough hope to abandon all of it 

Wrye has never had enough stuff 

Wrye has never had it as good as it could get 

Wrye has never had skin on his teeth 

Wrye has never had tainted memories 

Wrye has never had the ball in his court 

Wrye has never had the foggiest of notions


Wrye has never had the least idea 

Wrye has never had the time for pain and suffering 

Wrye has never had the time of his life 

Wrye has never had the weeping willies 

Wrye has never had to make amends 

Wrye has never had to prime a pump 

Wrye has never had to psyche himself up 

Wrye has never had undying love for mankind 

Wrye has never hailed from anywhere 

Wrye has never hailed Mary, full of grace 

Wrye has never halved his wits 

Wrye has never hampered an honest effort 

Wrye has never handed down a tradition 

Wrye has never harkened back through time 

Wrye has never harkened to the wisdom of the ages 

Wrye has never harvested the golden grape 

Wrye has never hastened an early demise 

Wrye has never hated guts per se 

Wrye has never haunted old neighborhoods 

Wrye has never hawked up an oyster 

Wrye has never headed for the outback 

Wrye has never heard the call or was chosen 

Wrye has never heard the dawn thundering 

Wrye has never heard the rumble of a distant drum 

Wrye has never hedged his bets accordingly 

Wrye has never heeded the call of the wild 

Wrye has never heeded the direst of warnings 

Wrye has never heightened public awareness 

Wrye has never held a candle to it 

Wrye has never held anything to be self-evident 

Wrye has never held himself in moral contempt 

Wrye has never held truths to be self-evident 

Wrye has never hesitated in finding fault 

Wrye has never hid out in the bush for long 

Wrye has never hiked through the valley of death 

Wrye has never hired a hand 

Wrye has never hit nails on their heads 

Wrye has never hitched a wagon to a star 

Wrye has never hoed his own row 

Wrye has never honestly abhorred a vacuum 

Wrye has never hoped very much beyond hope 

Wrye has never hot footed it for chow 

Wrye has never howled balefully through the night 

Wrye has never humped a dromedary 

Wrye has never hung a tale thereby 

Wrye has never hunted a pecked rapidly 

Wrye has never hurtled through space 

Wrye has never husbanded the golden grain 

Wrye has never hyphenated one syllable words 

Wrye has never ignited flatulent gasses


Wrye has never ignited spontaneously 

Wrye has never imagined beyond the wildest dreams 

Wrye has never imagined great and untold riches 

Wrye has never imagined untold poverty 

Wrye has never importuned a stranger 

Wrye has never imputed his fall to sin 

Wrye has never incarcerated wild animals 

Wrye has never incorporated standards 

Wrye has never inferred an implication 

Wrye has never inflamed a justice 

Wrye has never inflated an ego 

Wrye has never inherited the wind 

Wrye has never initiated rigorous straits 

Wrye has never inked in the missing pieces 

Wrye has never inserted a suppository 

Wrye has never intended bodily harm 

Wrye has never invoked a double whammy 

Wrye has never irrigated any bowels 

Wrye has never issued a doleful report 

Wrye has never jilted a looker 

Wrye has never joined forces with Satan 

Wrye has never joined the club 

Wrye has never juggled ambivalences 

Wrye has never just gotten under the wire 

Wrye has never kept a good man down 

Wrye has never kept his nose clean 

Wrye has never kept his powder dry enough 

Wrye has never kicked a bucket permanently 

Wrye has never killed a fatted calf 

Wrye has never kited checks on windy days 

Wrye has never knitted broken bones 

Wrye has never knotted his brow 

Wrye has never knowingly nebulized 

Wrye has never known a cross-eyed bear named gladly 

Wrye has never known many cutthroats 

Wrye has never known them by their fruits 

Wrye has never known times to try men’s souls 

Wrye has never known what might have been 

Wrye has never known when to cry havoc 

Wrye has never lacked for a better reason 

Wrye has never laid it on the table 

Wrye has never laid the best laid plans 

Wrye has never landed in jail 

Wrye has never languished in prison 

Wrye has never lashed out with impunity 

Wrye has never laughed last 

Wrye has never lay down his arms 

Wrye has never lay down in a manger 

Wrye has never lay down with a lamb 

Wrye has never leaned toward anarchy


Wrye has never leapt from a frying pan to a skillet 

Wrye has never led a horse to water 

Wrye has never led a poor dog astray 

Wrye has never left a maid unsatisfied 

Wrye has never left a stone unturned 

Wrye has never left a trail of woe 

Wrye has never left an itch unscratched 

Wrye has never lent more than one helping hand 

Wrye has never lent out his ears 

Wrye has never let Satan get behind him 

Wrye has never let sleeping dogs lie 

Wrye has never let the cat out of a bag 

Wrye has never let well enough alone long enough 

Wrye has never levelled the playing field 

Wrye has never licked an adversary 

Wrye has never licked anyone’s wounds 

Wrye has never lied between his teeth 

Wrye has never lied like a rug 

Wrye has never lied with his fingers crossed 

Wrye has never lifted a curfew 

Wrye has never lifted a finger in anger 

Wrye has never liked the Sunnyside of the street 

Wrye has never likened himself as to a goo 

Wrye has never listed to the starboard 

Wrye has never listened to rhyme or reason 

Wrye has never lived below the poverty line 

Wrye has never lived in a goldfish bowl 

Wrye has never lived in ignominy 

Wrye has never lollygagged nor dawdled 

Wrye has never longed for the olden times 

Wrye has never looked back on hapless remarks 

Wrye has never looked beneath the skin 

Wrye has never looked into a gift horse’s mouth 

Wrye has never looked obliquely askance 

Wrye has never looked through a glass darkly 

Wrye has never looked to the lighthouse 

Wrye has never lost at Russian roulette 

Wrye has never lost at strip poker 

Wrye has never lost even one chord 

Wrye has never lost triumphantly 

Wrye has never lounged about lasciviously 

Wrye has never lounged among lizards 

Wrye has never loved his neighbor that much 

Wrye has never lowered the overall expectancy 

Wrye has never lunched on the grass 

Wrye has never lurked about darkened corners 

Wrye has never lynched a pin 

Wrye has never made a blind landing 

Wrye has never made a case in point 

Wrye has never made a deleterious remark


Wrye has never made a Freudian slip 

Wrye has never made a mighty pen / sword comparison 

Wrye has never made a point of it 

Wrye has never made a run for it 

Wrye has never made an abysmal showing 

Wrye has never made hay on sunny days 

Wrye has never made himself perfectly clear 

Wrye has never made moonshine at noon 

Wrye has never made out like a bunny rabbit 

Wrye has never made quick work of most things 

Wrye has never made silk purses from sow’s ears 

Wrye has never made whoopee irrelevantly 

Wrye has never managed a lowly soup kitchen 

Wrye has never marched in place very long 

Wrye has never marched to a different drummer 

Wrye has never marked the spot with an ‘x’ 

Wrye has never marked time in place 

Wrye has never marked twain on the Mississippi 

Wrye has never martyred a saint 

Wrye has never marvelled at the wonder of it all 

Wrye has never mastered the Morse code 

Wrye has never mastered the yoyo 

Wrye has never meant any harm 

Wrye has never measured the continental drift 

Wrye has never mentioned muffdiving aloud 

Wrye has never mesmerized serpents 

Wrye has never met a basket case 

Wrye has never met a body coming through the rye 

Wrye has never met a man he would swap places with 

Wrye has never met a misanthrope that he didn’t like 

Wrye has never met a nymphomaniac he didn’t like 

Wrye has never met a pie man 

Wrye has never met an incorruptible youth 

Wrye has never met an oxymoron he didn’t feel sorry for 

Wrye has never met the salt of the earth 

Wrye has never met the twain either 

Wrye has never met three wise men -ever 

Wrye has never milked a sacred cow 

Wrye has never milked herbivores in general 

Wrye has never mimicked nerds 

Wrye has never minced woods 

Wrye has never minded a store 

Wrye has never minded his manners 

Wrye has never minded his own beeswax 

Wrye has never ministered to the downtrodden 

Wrye has never ministered to the heathen 

Wrye has never misplaced his composure 

Wrye has never mixed metaphorically 

Wrye has never mixed the good with the bad


Wrye has never mooned in public places 

Wrye has never mopped up the floor in anger 

Wrye has never mounted a ladder and had her 

Wrye has never mourned for poor yorick, alas 

Wrye has never mourned the last of the Mohicans 

Wrye has never muffled drums 

Wrye has never mulled over his chances 

Wrye has never mumbled articulately 

Wrye has never murdered a bugler 

Wrye has never murmured stridently 

Wrye has never muttered meaningfully 

Wrye has never muzzled a loudmouthed protester 

Wrye has never narrowed down his choices 

Wrye has never needed a friend in need, indeed 

Wrye has never netted his net worth 

Wrye has never nipped it in the bud 

Wrye has never nonchalantly whistled Dixie 

Wrye has never notched a gunstock 

Wrye has never nourished coprophiles 

Wrye has never obliged nobles 

Wrye has never obsequiously prattled 

Wrye has never obstructed justice 

Wrye has never offered his last measure of devotion 

Wrye has never offered up sacrifices 

Wrye has never opened a window on the world 

Wrye has never opened cans of worms 

Wrye has never operated as a double agent 

Wrye has never opposed Jeffersonian democracy 

Wrye has never opposed pedestrian crossings 

Wrye has never opted for total immersion 

Wrye has never orchestrated a cacophony 

Wrye has never out distanced himself 

Wrye has never overcharged his batteries 

Wrye has never overcome antipathy 

Wrye has never overpaid his respects 

Wrye has never pacified a wild man of Borneo 

Wrye has never packed it in disreputably 

Wrye has never paddled his own canoe 

Wrye has never paid □early through the nose 

Wrye has never paid either peter da Paul 

Wrye has never paid much mind 

Wrye has never paid the piper 

Wrye has never paid the slightest attention 

Wrye has never painted a town 

Wrye has never pair bonded easily 

Wrye has never palavered with savagery 

Wrye has never paleo at a thought 

Wrye has never paled by comparison 

Wrye has never paled in the bargain 

Wrye has never pampered infants


Wrye has never pandered on street corners 

Wrye has never paraded his patriotism 

Wrye has never paralleled the course of mankind 

Wrye has never parsed harsh sentences 

Wrye has never partaken of the milk of human kindness 

Wrye has never partaken of the sacraments 

Wrye has never partaken of unleavened bread 

Wrye has never parted company graciously 

Wrye has never participated in a blood bath 

Wrye has never participated in parthenogenesis 

Wrye has never passed a stranger in the night 

Wrye has never passed along good advice 

Wrye has never passed as a friend of man 

Wrye has never passed go and collected 

Wrye has never passed muster frequently 

Wrye has never passed the ammunition 

Wrye has never patterned himself on a saint 

Wrye has never paved the way for justice 

Wrye has never peeked at his summit 

Wrye has never peeled his eyes or kept them peeled 

Wrye has never perishingly forbidden 

Wrye has never permitted a wide margin for error 

Wrye has never personally met a subhuman 

Wrye has never petered out exhaustedly 

Wrye has never philandered on Sundays 

Wrye has never pieced together a cabal 

Wrye has never piled insults upon injuries 

Wrye has never piled on top indiscriminately 

Wrye has never pinched bear fannies 

Wrye has never pined away dolefully 

Wrye has never pined for the hills 

Wrye has never pissed directly into the wino 

Wrye has never pitted himself against all comers 

Wrye has never placated a silent minority 

Wrye has never planned to meet his maker 

Wrye has never played a monkeyshine 

Wrye has never played and won a love game 

Wrye has never played close to his chest 

Wrye has never played footsie with frumpets 

Wrye has never played hard to get 

Wrye has never played his own kazoo 

Wrye has never played hooky barefoot 

Wrye has never played impractical jokes 

Wrye has never played musical chairs 

Wrye has never played on the pipes of pan 

Wrye has never played opossum 

Wrye has never played out the last act 

Wrye has never played patsy among con artists 

Wrye has never played pocket-pool in public 

Wrye has never played the consummate fool


Wrye has never played the devil’s advocate 

Wrye has never played the golden horn 

Wrye has never played the tragedian 

Wrye has never played the trump card out of turn 

Wrye has never played to the gallery 

Wrye has never played upon words, much 

Wrye has never pled for goodness and mercy 

Wrye has never plied with aphrodisiacs 

Wrye has never plucked a vibrating string 

Wrye has never plucked defeat from certain victory 

Wrye has never plumbed the very depths 

Wrye has never plummeted earthward 

Wrye has never poached on government lands 

Wrye has never pocketed the eight ball 

Wrye has never pointed the accusing finger 

Wrye has never poisoned the atmosphere 

Wrye has never pole vaulted into prominence 

Wrye has never polished an apple with saliva 

Wrye has never polluted troubled waters 

Wrye has never pondered rhetorical questions 

Wrye has never popped a question 

Wrye has never positioned himself for a killing 

Wrye has never post operated 

Wrye has never potted a plant 

Wrye has never pounded a telegraph key 

Wrye has never pounded home a point 

Wrye has never poured vinegar on wounds 

Wrye has never practiced mid-winery in the open 

Wrye has never practiced necromancy 

Wrye has never practiced penitence 

Wrye has never practiced preaching 

Wrye has never practiced the martial arts 

Wrye has never praised bees 

Wrye has never prated platitudinously 

Wrye has never prayed for rain, sleet, or snow 

Wrye has never preconceived notions 

Wrye has never predicted a major earthquake 

Wrye has never prefaced his remarks 

Wrye has never preferred blondes 

Wrye has never preferred common stock 

Wrye has never prepared a table before him 

Wrye has never pretended anonymity 

Wrye has never pretended immodestly 

Wrye has never pretended omnipresence 

Wrye has never pretended penury 

Wrye has never pretended to a throne 

Wrye has never pretended to be something he was not 

Wrye has never prevaricated professionally 

Wrye has never prevented an eclipse 

Wrye has never preyed on his knees


Wrye has never preyed upon human foibles 

Wrye has never prided himself before falling 

Wrye has never primed time 

Wrye has never printed deleted expletives 

Wrye has never proclaimed joyous tidings 

Wrye has never professed equanimity 

Wrye has never professed profound ignorance 

Wrye has never profited from gross errors 

Wrye has never prohibited trespass 

Wrye has never promised land 

Wrye has never promoted cannibalism 

Wrye has never pronounced anathema 

Wrye has never propheted in his hometown 

Wrye has never proposed a final solution 

Wrye has never proposed draconian measures 

Wrye has never protected his rear 

Wrye has never protestethed too much 

Wrye has never pulled off a big one 

Wrye has never pulled the final plug, yet 

Wrye has never pulled wool over eyes 

Wrye has never pumped blood whole-heartedly 

Wrye has never pumped iron 

Wrye has never pumped out a stomach 

Wrye has never punched holes in an argument 

Wrye has never pursed his lips menacingly 

Wrye has never pursued an impossible dream 

Wrye has never pursued foolish endeavors and pursuits 

Wrye has never put a shoulder to the wheel 

Wrye has never put down revolts 

Wrye has never put his foot down finally 

Wrye has never put his left foot in his mouth 

Wrye has never put his proboscis near a grindstone 

Wrye has never put his sock on the wrong foot 

Wrye has never put it to the test 

Wrye has never put the fear of man in god 

Wrye has never puttered around unproductively 

Wrye has never questioned logical positivists 

Wrye has never questioned the unified-field theory 

Wrye has never quizzed spelling bees 

Wrye has never railed against a gross injustice 

Wrye has never railed at the monstrousness of it all 

Wrye has never raised a glass on high 

Wrye has never raised the roof very much 

Wrye has never raped a Sabine nor a lock 

Wrye has never ratted on a miscreant 

Wrye has never re-invented a wheel 

Wrye has never reached for a star 

Wrye has never reached for an apogee 

Wrye has never reached the brink’s edge 

Wrye has never reached the vanishing point


Wrye has never read the Bhagavad gita backwards 

Wrye has never realized his true potential 

Wrye has never really meant well 

Wrye has never really raised holy hell 

Wrye has never really searched for the answer 

Wrye has never reaped a whirlwind 

Wrye has never reared his ugly head 

Wrye has never received genuine walking papers 

Wrye has never recovered completely 

Wrye has never regaled a host 

Wrye has never registered to vote for politicians 

Wrye has never regretted what might have been 

Wrye has never reigned in terror 

Wrye has never relished bilious complexions 

Wrye has never remained at arm’s length 

Wrye has never remembered the Maine 

Wrye has never rendered unto Caesar unwittingly 

Wrye has never repeated twice told tales 

Wrye has never requested mouth to mouth 

Wrye has never requisatted in pace 

Wrye has never resorted to common knowledge 

Wrye has never retrieved a cigar butt 

Wrye has never returned to his alma mater 

Wrye has never ridden off into a sunset 

Wrye has never ridden to the hounds 

Wrye has never rifled a cash drawer 

Wrye has never ripened into old age 

Wrye has never robbed either peter or Paul 

Wrye has never rocked the cradle in the deep 

Wrye has never rolled over and played dead 

Wrye has never rolled over in the clover 

Wrye has never romanced a stone 

Wrye has never rowed his own boat in a storm 

Wrye has never ruled with an iron hand 

Wrye has never run a ten-minute mile 

Wrye has never run for the roses 

Wrye has never run in ever widening circles 

Wrye has never run it up a flag pole 

Wrye has never run on and on and on 

Wrye has never run out of road 

Wrye has never run wild-eyed through the streets 

Wrye has never run with the hinds and the deer’s 

Wrye has never saddened after bitter fruit 

Wrye has never saddened after none or bitter fruit 

Wrye has never sailed all seven seas 

Wrye has never sallied fourth or forth 

Wrye has never sallied once more into the breach 

Wrye has never salvaged victory from utter defeat 

Wrye has never sampled poisons 

Wrye has never sat about in a circle gassing


Wrye h ever read the bhagavad gita backwards 

Wrye has never realized his true potential 

Wrye has never really meant well 

Wrye has never really raised holy hell 

Wrye has never really searched for the answer 

Wrye has never reaped a whirlwind 

Wrye has never reared his ugly head 

Wrye has never received genuine walking papers 

Wrye has never recovered completely 

Wrye has never regaled a host 

Wrye has never registered to vote for politicians 

Wrye has never regretted what might have been 

Wrye has never reigned in terror 

Wrye has never relished bilious complexions 

Wrye has never remained at arm’s length 

Wrye has never remembered the Maine 

Wrye has never rendered unto Caesar unwittingly 

Wrye has never repeated twice told tales 

Wrye has never requested mouth to mouth 

Wrye has never requisatted in pace 

Wrye has never resorted to common knowledge 

Wrye has never retrieved a cigar butt 

Wrye has never returned to his alma mater 

Wrye has never ridden off into a sunset 

Wrye has never ridden to the hounds 

Wrye has never rifled a cash drawer 

Wrye has never ripened into old age 

Wrye has never robbed either peter dr Paul 

Wrye has never rocked the cradle in the deep 

Wrye has never rolled over and played dead 

Wrye has never rolled over in the clover 

Wrye has never romanced a stone 

Wrye has never rowed his own boat in a storm 

Wrye has never ruled with an iron hand 

Wrye has never run a ten-minute mile 

Wrye has never run for the roses 

Wrye has never run in ever widening circles 

Wrye has never run it up a flag pole 

Wrye has never run on and on and on 

Wrye has never run out of road 

Wrye has never run wild-eyed through the streets 

Wrye has never run with the hinds and the deer’s 

Wrye has never saddened after bitter fruit 

Wrye has never saddened after none 

Wrye has never sailed all seven seas 

Wrye has never sallied fourth or forth 

Wrye has never sallied once more into the breach 

Wrye has never salvaged victory from utter defeat 

Wrye has never sampled poisons 

Wrye has never sat about in a circle gassing


Wrye has never sat on a tuffet nor ate curds 

Wrye has never sat on a volcano 

Wrye has never sat on vital statistics 

Wrye has never sat up and took notice 

Wrye has never saved the day 

Wrye has never saved up for rainy days 

Wrye has never savored bitter vetch 

Wrye has never savored eternal bliss 

Wrye has never savored pure ecstasy 

Wrye has never scalped a ticket 

Wrye has never scarred the face of the earth 

Wrye has never scored under the mistletoe 

Wrye has never scotched a rumor 

Wrye has never scraped the bottom 

Wrye has never scratched a surface 

Wrye has never scratched where it didn’t itch 

Wrye has never screened out undesirables 

Wrye has never sealed his lips permanently 

Wrye has never seemed inappropriate 

Wrye has never seemed particularly concerned 

Wrye has never seen a bolt from the blue 

Wrye has never seen a dilemma’s horns close up 

Wrye has never seen a heaving breast 

Wrye has never seen a poem as lovely as a tree 

Wrye has never seen an old soldier fading away 

Wrye has never seen cherubim or seraphim 

Wrye has never seen much through a needle’s eye 

Wrye has never seen the best of all possible worlds 

Wrye has never seen the coming of the lord 

Wrye has never seen the dead burying their dead 

Wrye has never seen the end of the tunnel 

Wrye has never seen the glory of the coming 

Wrye has never seen the light 

Wrye has never seen the wearing of the green 

Wrye has never seen three sheets in the wind 

Wrye has never seen untold millions 

Wrye has never seesawed back and forth 

Wrye has never segued very gracefully 

Wrye has never seined the shallowest of depths 

Wrye has never seized an upper hand 

Wrye has never self-centered himself 

Wrye has never self-served two masters at once 

Wrye has never sensed imminent danger 

Wrye has never sent an urgent message to Garcia 

Wrye has never settled for any old port in a storm 

Wrye has never settled for less 

Wrye has never severed a Baptist head 

Wrye has never shaken down a wealthy widow 

Wrye has never sharpened his tongue 

Wrye has never sharpened his wits

Wrye has never shaved a point perceptibly 

Wrye has never shied away with abruptness 

Wrye has never shined up monkeys 

Wrye has never shivered his timbers 

Wrye has never shored up a weak argument 

Wrye has never shot down impossible dreams 

Wrye has never shot for the moon and missed 

Wrye has never shot many fish in a barrel 

Wrye has never shouldered another’s burden 

Wrye has never shouted hallelujah twice 

Wrye has never shoveled out Augean stables 

Wrye has never shown his thing in public 

Wrye has never shrugged only one shoulder 

Wrye has never shrunken enemy heads 

Wrye has never shuffled off to buffalo without cause 

Wrye has never shunned plagiarism 

Wrye has never sided with the enemy 

Wrye has never sidled up to a good thing 

Wrye has never sifted the sands of time 

Wrye has never signed on a bottom line 

Wrye has never simmered down 

Wrye has never single-handedly created a stir 

Wrye has never siphoned off funds 

Wrye has never sized up golden opportunities 

Wrye has never sky-dived sober 

Wrye has never slackened his firmest grip 

Wrye has never slammed into a solid brick wall 

Wrye has never slashed figures to the bone 

Wrye has never slashed two ribbons 

Wrye has never slayed a fire breathing dragon 

Wrye has never slept around or about 

Wrye has never slept with strange bed fellows 

Wrye has never sliced it a little too thin 

Wrye has never slipped between cracks unnoticed 

Wrye has never slipped into something more comfortable 

Wrye has never slithered or slunk 

Wrye has never sloshed around in a flooded basement 

Wrye has never slow boated to china 

Wrye has never slurred a figure of speech 

Wrye has never smelled a rat up close 

Wrye has never smelled a rose by any other name 

Wrye has never smelled all the way to high heaven 

Wrye has never smiled upon foolish inconsistencies 

Wrye has never smirked at harsh criticism 

Wrye has never smoked right afterward 

Wrye has never snarked girls’ bicycle seats 

Wrye has never sniffed out illegal substances 

Wrye has never snuffed out a terrorist plot 

Wrye has never sold a birthright 

Wrye has never solemnly sworn tongue in cheek


Wrye h ever stormed out of a classroom 

Wrye has never strayed from the straight and narrow 

Wrye has never stretched a point beyond belief 

Wrye has never struck a motherlode 

Wrye has never strummed a strumpet 

Wrye has never strutted his stuff 

Wrye has never stubbed his middle toes 

Wrye has never studied war no more 

Wrye has never stumbled upon interesting ideas 

Wrye has never stumped on street corners 

Wrye has never stumped the leading experts 

Wrye has never submitted to a summary search 

Wrye has never subscribed to the madding crowd 

Wrye has never succeeded in stamping out mornings 

Wrye has never succeeded kaleidoscopically 

Wrye has never successfully fought off apathy 

Wrye has never succumbed to insomnia 

Wrye has never succumbed to out and out flattery 

Wrye has never sucked a back mammary 

Wrye has never sucked up to a boss 

Wrye has never suffered a period of indecision 

Wrye has never suffered a post-partum slump 

Wrye has never suffered the consequences 

Wrye has never suffered the maximum penalty 

Wrye has never suggested kinky sex 

Wrye has never summered in Death Valley 

Wrye has never sung a song of sixpence 

Wrye has never sung like a well-bred canary 

Wrye has never sung undeserved praises 

Wrye has never sunk a deep well successfully 

Wrye has never sunk to new depths of depravity 

Wrye has never sunk to new depths of despair 

Wrye has never surgically removed a threat 

Wrye has never surmounted all obstacles at once 

Wrye has never surveyed the countryside 

Wrye has never suspected fowl play 

Wrye has never suspected nero of arson 

Wrye has never swallowed a dead goldfish 

Wrye has never swallowed an egregious lie 

Wrye has never swallowed hard and forgave 

Wrye has never sworn a hypocritical oath 

Wrye has never swum backwards 

Wrye has never tabled a resolution 

Wrye has never tabued sexual inferences 

Wrye has never tackled a beast head on 

Wrye has never tackled integral calculus 

Wrye has never tailed a miscreant 

Wrye has never tainted a questionable reputation 

Wrye has never taken a nose dive 

Wrye has never taken a precipitous powder


Wrye has never taken a rag offen a bush 

Wrye has never taken a raging bull by the horns 

Wrye has never taken a second glance 

Wrye has never taken a sentimental journey 

Wrye has never taken a slight turn for the worse 

Wrye has never taken a thief to catch a thief 

Wrye has never taken a tip from a tout 

Wrye has never taken a wooden nickel 

Wrye has never taken advantage of glory-holes 

Wrye has never taken an official leave of absence 

Wrye has never taken leave of his senses 

Wrye has never taken that last fateful step 

Wrye has never taken the “a” train 

Wrye has never taken the cake of any kind 

Wrye has never taken the credit and let the cash go 

Wrye has never taken undo liberties 

Wrye has never taken up precious space 

Wrye has never talked a blue streak 

Wrye has never talked slightly out of turn 

Wrye has never talked to a turkey 

Wrye has never tallied up the damage 

Wrye has never tamed a shrew 

Wrye has never tampered with evidence 

Wrye has never tangled with a tiger 

Wrye has never tantalized with tautologies 

Wrye has never tapered off to a drizzle 

Wrye has never targeted hit men 

Wrye has never targeted incompetence 

Wrye has never tasted a witch’s brew 

Wrye has never tasted the bitterness of defeat 

Wrye has never tattled telltales 

Wrye has never taunted the feeble-minded 

Wrye has never taxed his brain inordinately 

Wrye has never teased a little curl 

Wrye has never teeter-tottered precariously 

Wrye has never teetotaled voluntarily 

Wrye has never tempered a clavichord well 

Wrye has never tempered his remarks noticeably 

Wrye has never tempered his wrath with grapes 

Wrye has never tempted unbridled fate 

Wrye has never tended their sheep by night 

Wrye has never tendered an olive branch 

Wrye has never terroristicly threatened 

Wrye has never tested his mettle 

Wrye has never thanked god for Fridays 

Wrye has never thirsted for carnal knowledge 

Wrye has never thoroughly comprehended e=mc2 

Wrye has never thought better of it 

Wrye has never thought highly of hindsight 

Wrye has never thought little or nothing of it


Wrye has never thought of himself as lubricious 

Wrye has never thought of himself that way 

Wrye has never thought that therefore he was 

Wrye has never thought twice about it 

Wrye has never thought worlds of much 

Wrye has never threaded Cleopatra’s needle 

Wrye has never threatened insurrection 

Wrye has never threatened to resign out of hand 

Wrye has never threw a tantrum very far 

Wrye has never threw his weight around 

Wrye has never thrown himself on a court 

Wrye has never thrown his head back and laughed 

Wrye has never thrown in a towel 

Wrye has never thrown in with creationists 

Wrye has never thrown out babies and bathwaters 

Wrye has never thrown snake’s eyes very often 

Wrye has never thrown up a smoke screen 

Wrye has never tidied up afterward 

Wrye has never tied himself in knots 

Wrye has never tied one on – on a horse 

Wrye has never tightened his belt too much 

Wrye has never tightened the screw sadistically 

Wrye has never tilled the virgin soil 

Wrye has never tilted a pinball machine accidentally 

Wrye has never tinkered with toys 

Wrye has never tipped off the cops 

Wrye has never tiptoed through tulips 

Wrye has never tired of listening disinterestedly 

Wrye has never tired of reciting the catechism 

Wrye has never tired of rigorous epistemology 

Wrye has never titillated ninnies 

Wrye has never toadied up to city hall 

Wrye has never toed the line 

Wrye has never toggled an on-off switch repeatedly 

Wrye has never told of his former disappearance 

Wrye has never told tales out of schools 

Wrye has never tolerated bombast 

Wrye has never tomahawked a squaw 

Wrye has never took a turn for better or worse 

Wrye has never took the national pulse 

Wrye has never tooted his own horn 

Wrye has never tortured himself unnecessarily 

Wrye has never tossed a full-fledged tantrum 

Wrye has never tossed and turned sequentially 

Wrye has never tossed caution to the winds 

Wrye has never tossed his cookies 

Wrye has never touted abstinence whole heartedly 

Wrye has never towed a barge or toted a bale 

Wrye has never toyed with mischievousness 

Wrye has never toyed with myopic projections


Wrye has never toyed with nuclear devices

Wrye has never traced obscure origins

Wrye has never traded blows beneath the belt

Wrye has never traded egregious insults lightly

Wrye has never traded ends without an invitation

Wrye has never traded injuries for insults

Wrye has never traded insults vociferously

Wrye has never trailed off into the night

Wrye has never trained a gun

Wrye has never traipsed about continentally

Wrye has never trampled out the grapes

Wrye has never transformed the countryside

Wrye has never transmuted brass into pure gold

Wrye has never traversed this wide country

Wrye has never tried and tried again

Wrye has never tried hard enough to reach nirvana

Wrye has never tried the tried and the true

Wrye has never tried to bleed an anemic turnip

Wrye has never tried to live by bread alone

Wrye has never tried to shed an evil light upon

Wrye has never tried to skin a cat

Wrye has never tried to weasel out

Wrye has never trifled with truffles

Wrye has never triggered a chain reaction

Wrye has never trilogized poetically

Wrye has never tripped over his own feet

Wrye has never tripped the light fantastic

Wrye has never triumphed before falling

Wrye has never triumphed hollowly

Wrye has never triumphed in absentia

Wrye has never trod the bard’s boards

Wrye has never trod upon flags

Wrye has never troubled waters

Wrye has never truly faced up to it

Wrye has never truly satisfied a lust

Wrye has never truncated a pyramid

Wrye has never trusted aristippian hedonists

Wrye has never trusted gypsies

Wrye has never trusted in god as on a nickel

Wrye has never trusted non-bearing Greeks

Wrye has never trysted with nymphs

Wrye has never tugged the forelock

Wrye has never tuned in and tuned out

Wrye has never turned a jaundiced eye

Wrye has never turned as a worm turns

Wrye has never turned both cheeks

Wrye has never turned down an empty glass

Wrye has never turned his tail and run

Wrye has never turned over a new leaf

Wrye has never turned turncoat


Wrye has never turned turtle 

Wrye has never tweaked the figures 

Wrye has never tweedled Dee or dum 

Wrye has never twisted a stuck-in knife 

Wrye has never twisted in the breeze 

Wrye has never unbuttoned a fly since zippers 

Wrye has never uncovered a can of worms 

Wrye has never undercut relations 

Wrye has never underestimated intelligence 

Wrye has never undergone a traumatic experience

Wrye has never undergone an autopsy 

Wrye has never undergone careful scrutiny 

Wrye has never undermined parental authority 

Wrye has never understood extreme unction  

Wrye has never underwent a mud bath

Wrye has never unfurled his true colors 

Wrye has never unloaded a torrent of vituperation 

Wrye has never unseated a defecator 

Wrye has never unveiled a secret weapon 

Wrye has never ushered anyone down the aisle 

Wrye has never uttered a pious utterance 

Wrye has never uttered a sigh of relief 

Wrye has never utterly failed utterly 

Wrye has never ventilated his ire alfresco 

Wrye has never verified an old witch’s tail 

Wrye has never violated bodily orifices 

Wrye has never visited a busy morgue 

Wrye has never visited joyless mudville 

Wrye has never walked a chalk line 

Wrye has never walked a pirate’s plank 

Wrye has never walked in the valley of the shadow

Wrye has never walked on water 

Wrye has never wandered and wondered 

Wrye has never wandered as lonely as a cloud 

Wrye has never wanted a breakfast of champions 

Wrye has never wanted for a stinging riposte 

Wrye has never wanted for aggravation 

Wrye has never wanted to be buried where coyotes howl 

Wrye has never wanted to change his spots 

Wrye has never wantonly endangered 

Wrye has never warped a woof 

Wrye has never warped minds unknowingly 

Wrye has never washed his hands of it 

Wrye has never wasted a fleeting moment 

Wrye has never wasted money on charitable frauds 

Wrye has never wasted nor wanted not 

Wrye has never watched a boiling pot 

Wrye has never watched mice plans gang aglay 

Wrye has never waved fleetingly to a passing stranger 

Wrye has never waved to passing engineer


Wrye has never wavered an inch 

Wrye has never weighed anchors aweigh 

Wrye has never welcomed huddled masses 

Wrye has never went down a rat hole 

Wrye has never whiled away his time 

Wrye has never whipped the cream unmercifully 

Wrye has never whispered sweet nothings 

Wrye has never widened acquaintances 

Wrye has never wielded absolute terror 

Wrye has never wiggled off a hook 

Wrye has never winced with pain enjoyably 

Wrye has never winked out of the corner of his eye 

Wrye has never wintered on the Bering strait 

Wrye has never wished a plague upon 

Wrye has never wished to be dug up again 

Wrye has never wished upon a galactic cluster 

Wrye has never witnessed a blue moon 

Wrye has never witnessed spontaneous combustion 

Wrye has never wondered at what god hath wrought 

Wrye has never worked his fingers to the bone 

Wrye has never wormed his way either in or out

Wrye has never worn a heart on his sleeve 

Wrye has never worn sheep’s clothing 

Wrye has never worshipped graven images 

Wrye has never woven a tangled web 

Wrye has never wrapped himself in old glory


Wrye has ever sky-dived sober 

Wrye has never slackened his firmest grip 

Wrye has never slammed into a solid brick wall 

Wrye has never slashed figures to the bone 

Wrye has never slashed two ribbons 

Wrye has never slaved a fire breathing dragon 

Wrye has never slept around or about 

Wrye has never slept with strange bed fellows 

Wrye has never sliced it a little too thin 

Wrye has never slipped between cracks unnoticed 

Wrye has never slipped into something more comfortable 

Wrye has never slithered across an icy road 

Wrye has never slithered or slunk 

Wrye has never sloshed around in a flooded basement 

Wrye has never slow boated to china 

Wrye has never slurred a figure of speech 

Wrye has never smelled a rat up close 

Wrye has never smelled a rose by any other name 

Wrye has never smelled all the way to high heaven 

Wrye has never smiled upon foolish inconsistencies 

Wrye has never smirked at harsh criticism 

Wrye has never smoked right afterward 

Wrye has never snarked girls’ bicycle seats 

Wrye has never sniffed out illegal substances 

Wrye has never snuck up on an innocent bystander 

Wrye has never snuffed out a terrorist plot 

Wrye has never sold a birthright 

Wrye has never solemnly sworn tongue in cheek 

Wrye has never sought a modicum of celebrity 

Wrye has never sought for the redemption of sin 

Wrye has never sought ill-gotten gain 

Wrye has never sought refuge and respite 

Wrye has never sounded the depths 

Wrye has never sowed domestic oats 

Wrye has never spearheaded a takeover 

Wrye has never spearheaded an echelon 

Wrye has never spent his declining years 

Wrye has never spewed venom editorially 

Wrye has never spiced up a pornographic story 

Wrye has never spilled the beans 

Wrye has never spit in the eye of the beholder 

Wrye has never spit out the right answers 

Wrye has never split hairs 

Wrye has never split infinitives with abandon 

Wrye has never spoiled the broth 

Wrye has never spoke at the tower of babel 

Wrye has never spoke in clipped sentences 

Wrye has never spoken for mankind 

Wrye has never spoken personally to the devil 

Wrye has never spoken with a forked tongue


Wrye has never sported a goatee 

Wrye has never spouted off axiomatically 

Wrye has never spread a real bald eagle 

Wrye has never spread idle rumors 

Wrye has never sprinkled with holy water 

Wrye has never spun out of control 

Wrye has never spurned four-letter words 

Wrye has never spurned the infidel 

Wrye has never squared or triangulated a circle 

Wrye has never squatted on Indian lands 

Wrye has never squirmed his way out 

Wrye has never stabilized market shares 

Wrye has never stabilized the economy 

Wrye has never stammered incoherently 

Wrye has never staunched a bleeding heart 

Wrye has never stayed a thundering herd 

Wrye has never steered into harm’s way 

Wrye has never stepped across the same stream twice 

Wrye has never stepped up the pace 

Wrye has never stereotyped redskins 

Wrye has never stewed in his own juice 

Wrye has never stiffened his upper lip 

Wrye has never stifled a controversy 

Wrye has never stirred up a controversy 

Wrye has never stomached pipe organs 

Wrye has never stoned two birdies at once 

Wrye has never stoned two birds dead at once 

Wrye has never stood and delivered 

Wrye has never stood faster than usual 

Wrye has never stood in his own way 

Wrye has never stood shoulder to shoulder 

Wrye has never stood stubbornly offshore 

Wrye has never stood tall in the stirrups 

Wrye has never stood toe to toe 

Wrye has never stood up to be counted 

Wrye has never stood upon the loftiest of heights 

Wrye has never stooped to conquer 

Wrye has never stopped on a dime 

Wrye has never stopt their mouths with dust 

Wrye has never stop watched his motor responses 

Wrye has never stormed out of a classroom 

Wrye has never strayed from the straight and narrow 

Wrye has never stretched a point beyond belief 

Wrye has never struck a motherlode 

Wrye has never strummed a strumpet 

Wrye has never strutted his stuff 

Wrye has never stubbed his middle toes 

Wrye has never studied war no more 

Wrye has never stumbled upon an edifying realization 

Wrye has never stumbled upon interesting ideas


Wrye has never stumped on street corners 

Wrye has never stumped the leading experts 

Wrye has never submitted to a summary search 

Wrye has never subscribed to give and take 

Wrye has never subscribed to the madding crowd 

Wrye has never succeeded in stamping out mornings 

Wrye has never succeeded kaleidoscopically 

Wrye has never successfully fought off apathy 

Wrye has never succumbed to insomnia 

Wrye has never succumbed to out and out flattery 

Wrye has never succumbed to testicular tyranny 

Wrye has never sucked a back mammary 

Wrye has never sucked up to a boss 

Wrye has never suffered a period of indecision 

Wrye has never suffered a post-partum slump 

Wrye has never suffered little children 

Wrye has never suffered the consequences 

Wrye has never suffered the maximum penalty 

Wrye has never suggested kinky sex 

Wrye has never summered in Death Valley 

Wrye has never sung a song of sixpence 

Wrye has never sung like a well-bred canary 

Wrye has never sung undeserved praises 

Wrye has never sunk a deep well successfully 

Wrye has never sunk into a torpor 

Wrye has never sunk to new depths of depravity 

Wrye has never sunk to new depths of despair 

Wrye has never supplied the key ingredient 

Wrye has never surgically removed a threat 

Wrye has never surmounted all obstacles at once 

Wrye has never surveyed the countryside 

Wrye has never suspected fowl play 

Wrye has never suspected Nero of arson 

Wrye has never swallowed a dead goldfish 

Wrye has never swallowed an egregious lie 

Wrye has never swallowed hard and forgave 

Wrye has never sworn a hypocritical oath 

Wrye has never swum backwards 

Wrye has never tabled a resolution 

Wrye has never tabued sexual inferences 

Wrye has never tackled a beast head on 

Wrye has never tackled integral calculus 

Wrye has never tailed a miscreant 

Wrye has never tainted a questionable reputation 

Wrye has never taken a nose dive

Wrye has never taken a precipitous powder 

Wrye has never taken a rag offen a bush 

Wrye has never taken a raging bull by the horns 

Wrye has never taken a second glance 

Wrye has never taken a sentimental journey


Wrye has never taken a slight turn for the worse 

Wrye has never taken a thief to catch a thief 

Wrye has never taken a tip from a tout 

Wrye has never taken a wooden nickel 

Wrye has never taken advantage of glory-holes 

Wrye has never taken an official leave of absence 

Wrye has never taken leave of his senses 

Wrye has never taken that last fateful step 

Wrye has never taken the “a” train 

Wrye has never taken the cake of any kind 

Wrye has never taken the credit and let the cash go 

Wrye has never taken the fifth amendment 

Wrye has never taken undo liberties 

Wrye has never taken up precious space 

Wrye has never talked a blue streak 

Wrye has never talked slightly out of turn 

Wrye has never talked to a turkey 

Wrye has never tallied up the damage 

Wrye has never tamed a shrew 

Wrye has never tampered with evidence 

Wrye has never tangled with a tiger 

Wrye has never tantalized infants 

Wrye has never tapered off to a drizzle 

Wrye has never targeted hit men 

Wrye has never targeted perversion 

Wrye has never tasted a witch’s brew 

Wrye has never tasted snake oil 

Wrye has never tasted sweet revenge 

Wrye has never tasted the bitterness of defeat 

Wrye has never tattled telltales 

Wrye has never taunted the feeble-minded 

Wrye has never taxed his brain inordinately 

Wrye has never teased a little curl 

Wrye has never teeter-tottered precariously 

Wrye has never teetotaled voluntarily 

Wrye has never tempered a clavichord well 

Wrye has never tempered his remarks noticeably 

Wrye has never tempered his wrath with grapes 

Wrye has never tempted unbridled fate 

Wrye has never tended their sheep by night 

Wrye has never tendered an olive branch 

Wrye has never terroristicly threatened 

Wrye has never tested his mettle 

Wrye has never thanked god for Fridays 

Wrye has never thirsted for carnal knowledge 

Wrye has never thoroughly comprehended e=mc2 

Wrye has never thought better of it 

Wrye has never thought highly of hindsight 

Wrye has never thought it made much difference 

Wrye has never thought little or nothing of it


Wrye has never thought of himself as lubricious 

Wrye has never thought of himself that way 

Wrye has never thought that therefore he was 

Wrye has never thought twice about it 

Wrye has never thought worlds of much 

Wrye has never threaded Cleopatra’s needle 

Wrye has never threatened insurrection 

Wrye has never threatened to resign out of hand 

Wrye has never threw a tantrum very far 

Wrye has never threw his weight around 

Wrye has never thrown himself on a court 

Wrye has never thrown his head back and laughed 

Wrye has never thrown in a towel 

Wrye has never thrown in with creationists 

Wrye has never thrown out babies and bathwaters 

Wrye has never thrown snake’s eyes very often 

Wrye has never thrown up a smoke screen 

Wrye has never tidied up a gravesite 

Wrye has never tidied up afterward 

Wrye has never tied himself in knots 

Wrye has never tied one on – on a horse 

Wrye has never tightened his belt too much 

Wrye has never tightened the screw sadistically 

Wrye has never tilled the virgin soil 

Wrye has never tilted a pinball machine accidentally 

Wrye has never tinkered with toys 

Wrye has never tipped off the cops 

Wrye has never tiptoed through tulips 

Wrye has never tired of listening disinterestedly 

Wrye has never tired of reciting the catechism 

Wrye has never tired of rigorous epistemology 

Wrye has never titillated ninnies 

Wrye has never toadied up to city hall 

Wrye has never toed the line 

Wrye has never toggled an on-off switch repeatedly 

Wrye has never told of his former disappearance 

Wrye has never told tales out of schools 

Wrye has never tolerated bombast 

Wrye has never tolerated wood butchers 

Wrye has never tomahawked a squaw 

Wrye has never took a turn for better or worse 

Wrye has never took the national pulse 

Wrye has never tooted his own horn 

Wrye has never torpedoed a sinking ship 

Wrye has never tortured himself unnecessarily 

Wrye has never tossed a full-fledged tantrum 

Wrye has never tossed and turned sequentially 

Wrye has never tossed caution to the winos 

Wrye has never tossed his cookies 

Wrye has never touted abstinence whole heartedly


Wrye has never towed a barge or toted a bale 

Wrye has never toyed with mischievousness 

Wrye has never toyed with myopic projections 

Wrye has never toyed with nuclear devices 

Wrye has never traced obscure origins 

Wrye has never traded blows beneath the belt 

Wrye has never traded egregious insults lightly 

Wrye has never traded ends without an invitation 

Wrye has never traded injuries for insults 

Wrye has never traded insults vociferously 

Wrye has never trailed off into the night 

Wrye has never trained a gun 

Wrye has never traipsed about continentally 

Wrye has never trampled out the grapes 

Wrye has never transformed the countryside 

Wrye has never transmuted brass into pure gold 

Wrye has never traversed this wide country 

Wrye has never tried and tried again 

Wrye has never tried hard enough to reach nirvana 

Wrye has never tried one on for size 

Wrye has never tried the tried and the true 

Wrye has never tried to bleed an anemic turnip 

Wrye has never tried to keep up with the jones 

Wrye has never tried to live by bread alone 

Wrye has never tried to shed an evil light upon 

Wrye has never tried to skin a cat 

Wrye has never tried to weasel out 

Wrye has never trifled with truffles 

Wrye has never triggered a chain reaction 

Wrye has never trilogized poetically 

Wrye has never tripped over his own feet 

Wrye has never tripped the light fantastic 

Wrye has never triumphed before falling 

Wrye has never triumphed hollowly 

Wrye has never triumphed in absentia 

Wrye has never trod the bard’s boards 

Wrye has never trod upon flags 

Wrye has never troubled waters 

Wrye has never truly faced up to it 

Wrye has never truly satisfied a lust 

Wrye has never truncated a pyramid 

Wrye has never trusted a man who trusts in god 

Wrye has never trusted aristippian hedonists 

Wrye has never trusted gypsies 

Wrye has never trusted in goo as on a nickel 

Wrye has never trusted non-bearing Greeks 

Wrye has never trusted the tried and true 

Wrye has never trysted with nymphs 

Wrye has never tugged the forelock 

Wrye has never tumbled along with tumbling tumbleweeds


Wrye has never tuned in and tuned out 

Wrye has never turned a deaf ear 

Wrye has never turned a jaundiced eye 

Wrye has never turned as a worm turns 

Wrye has never turned bilious in color 

Wrye has never turned both cheeks 

Wrye has never turned down an empty glass 

Wrye has never turned his tail and run 

Wrye has never turned over a new leaf 

Wrye has never turned turncoat 

Wrye has never turned turtle 

Wrye has never tweaked the figures 

Wrye has never tweedle□ dee or oum 

Wrye has never twisted a stuck-in knife 

Wrye has never twisted his face out of shape 

Wrye has never twisted in the breeze 

Wrye has never unbuttoned a fly since zippers 

Wrye has never uncovered a can of worms 

Wrye has never undercut relations 

Wrye has never underestimated intelligence 

Wrye has never undergone a traumatic experience 

Wrye has never undergone an autopsy 

Wrye has never undergone careful scrutiny 

Wrye has never undermined parental authority 

Wrye has never understood extreme unction 

Wrye has never understood lemmings 

Wrye has never underwent a mud bath 

Wrye has never unfurled his true colors 

Wrye has never unloaded a torrent of vituperation 

Wrye has never unseated a defecator 

Wrye has never unveiled a secret weapon 

Wrye has never ushered down the aisle 

Wrye has never uttered a pious utterance 

Wrye has never uttered a sigh of relief 

Wrye has never utterly failed utterly 

Wrye has never ventilated his ire alfresco 

Wrye has never verified an old witch’s tail 

Wrye has never violated bodily orifices 

Wrye has never visited a busy morgue 

Wrye has never visited joyless mudville 

Wrye has never visited lesbos 

Wrye has never visited the meanest of abodes 

Wrye has never volunteered his last measure of devotion 

Wrye has never waited for future developments 

Wrye has never walked a chalk line 

Wrye has never walked a pirate’s plank 

Wrye has never walked in the valley of the shadow 

Wrye has never walked on water 

Wrye has never wandered and wondered 

Wrye has never wandered as lonely as a cloud


Wrye has never wanted a breakfast of champions 

Wrye has never wanted for a stinging riposte 

Wrye has never wanted for aggravation 

Wrye has never wanted to be buried where coyotes howl 

Wrye has never wanted to change his spots 

Wrye has never wantonly endangered 

Wrye has never warped a woof 

Wrye has never warped minos unknowingly 

Wrye has never washed his hands of it 

Wrye has never wasted a fleeting moment 

Wrye has never wasted money on charitable frauds 

Wrye has never wasted nor wanted not 

Wrye has never watched a boiling pot 

Wrye has never watched mice plans gang aglay 

Wrye has never waved fleetingly to a passing stranger 

Wrye has never waved to passing engineer 

Wrye has never wavered an inch 

Wrye has never weighed anchors aweigh 

Wrye has never weighed the pros dr cons 

Wrye has never weighed the wisdom of the ages 

Wrye has never welcomed huddled masses 

Wrye has never went down a rat hole 

Wrye has never whiled away his time 

Wrye has never whipped the cream unmercifully 

Wrye has never whirled dervish fashion 

Wrye has never whispered any kind of nonsense 

Wrye has never whispered sweet nothings 

Wrye has never widened acquaintances 

Wrye has never wielded absolute terror 

Wrye has never wiggled off a hook 

Wrye has never winced with pain enjoyably 

Wrye has never winked out of the corner of his eye 

Wrye has never wintered on the bering strait 

Wrye has never wiped the slate of past regrets 

Wrye has never wished a plague upon 

Wrye has never wished to be dug up again 

Wrye has never wished upon a galactic cluster 

Wrye has never witnessed a blue moon 

Wrye has never witnessed spontaneous combustion 

Wrye has never wondered at what goo hath wrought

Wrye has never worked his fingers to the bone 

Wrye has never wormed his way either in or out 

Wrye has never worn a heart on his sleeve 

Wrye has never worn sheep’s clothing 

Wrye has never worshipped graven images 

Wrye has never woven a tangled web 

Wrye has never wrapped himself in old glory 

Wrye has never yelled for the other team 

Wrye has never yenned for japs 

Wrye has never zeroed in on a zero


Wrye h ever reached out to the lunatic fringe 

Wrye has never reached the brink’s edge 

Wrye has never reached the vanishing point 

Wrye has never read the bhagavao gita backwards 

Wrye has never realized his true potential 

Wrye has never really meant well 

Wrye has never really raised holy hell 

Wrye has never really searched for the answer 

Wrye has never reaped a whirlwind 

Wrye has never reared his ugly head 

Wrye has never received genuine walking papers 

Wrye has never reconsidered re-enlisting 

Wrye has never recovered completely 

Wrye has never recovered his innocence 

Wrye has never regaled a host 

Wrye has never registered to vote for politicians 

Wrye has never regretted what might have been 

Wrye has never reigned in terror 

Wrye has never relished bilious complexions 

Wrye has never remained at arm’s length 

Wrye has never remembered the Maine 

Wrye has never rendered unto Caesar unwittingly 

Wrye has never repeated twice told tales 

Wrye has never replied to unsolicited sweepstakes 

Wrye has never requested mouth to mouth 

Wrye has never requiscatted in pace 

Wrye has never resorted to common knowledge 

Wrye has never retrieved a cigar butt 

Wrye has never returned to his alma mater 

Wrye has never revealed his sources 

Wrye has never reveled in bachanalian lust 

Wrye has never ridden off into a sunset 

Wrye has never ridden to the hounds 

Wrye has never rifled a cash drawer 

Wrye has never ripened into old age 

Wrye has never risen to a special occasion 

Wrye has never robbed either peter or Paul 

Wrye has never rocked the cradle in the deep 

Wrye has never rolled his own 

Wrye has never rolled over and played dead 

Wrye has never rolled over and played dead 

Wrye has never rolled over in the clover 

Wrye has never romanced a stone 

Wrye has never rowed his own boat in a storm 

Wrye has never ruled with an iron hand 

Wrye has never run a chill down his spine 

Wrye has never run a ten-minute mile 

Wrye has never run for the roses 

Wrye has never run in ever widening circles 

Wrye has never run it up a flag pole


Wrye has never run on and on and on 

Wrye has never run out of road 

Wrye has never run wild-eyed through the streets 

Wrye has never run with the hinds and the deer’s 

Wrye has never rushed the growler 

Wrye has never saddened after none or bitter fruit 

Wrye has never sailed all seven seas 

Wrye has never sallied fourth or forth 

Wrye has never sallied once more into the breach 

Wrye has never salvaged victory from utter defeat 

Wrye has never sampled poisons 

Wrye has never sapped waning strength 

Wrye has never sat about in a circle gassing 

Wrye has never sat on a tuffet nor ate curds 

Wrye has never sat on a volcano 

Wrye has never sat on vital statistics 

Wrye has never sat up and took notice 

Wrye has never saved the day 

Wrye has never saved up for rainy days 

Wrye has never savored bitter vetch 

Wrye has never savored eternal bliss 

Wrye has never savored pure ecstasy 

Wrye has never scalped a ticket 

Wrye has never scarred the face of the earth 

Wrye has never scattered the four winos 

Wrye has never scored under the mistletoe 

Wrye has never scotched a rumor 

Wrye has never scoured the face of the earth 

Wrye has never scraped the bottom 

Wrye has never scratched a surface 

Wrye has never scratched where it didn’t itch 

Wrye has never screened out undesirables 

Wrye has never scrubbed a vital mission 

Wrye has never sealed his lips permanently 

Wrye has never searched for esoteric conundrums 

Wrye has never seemed inappropriate 

Wrye has never seemed particularly concerned 

Wrye has never seen a bolt from the blue 

Wrye has never seen a dilemma’s horns close up 

Wrye has never seen a heaving breast 

Wrye has never seen a poem as lovely as a tree 

Wrye has never seen an old soldier fading away 

Wrye has never seen cherubim or seraphim 

Wrye has never seen much through a needle’s eye 

Wrye has never seen or been a purple cow 

Wrye has never seen the best of all possible worlds 

Wrye has never seen the coming of the lord 

Wrye has never seen the dead burying their dead 

Wrye has never seen the end of the tunnel 

Wrye has never seen the glory of the coming


Wrye has never seen the light 

Wrye has never seen the wearing of the green 

Wrye has never seen three sheets in the wino 

Wrye has never seen untold millions 

Wrye has never seesawed back and forth 

Wrye has never segued very gracefully 

Wrye has never seined the shallowest of depths 

Wrye has never seized an upper hand 

Wrye has never self-centered himself 

Wrye has never self-served two masters at once 

Wrye has never sensed imminent danger 

Wrye has never sent an urgent message to Garcia 

Wrye has never sent anyone packing 

Wrye has never settled for any old port in a storm 

Wrye has never settled for less 

Wrye has never severed a Baptist head 

Wrye has never shaken down a wealthy widow 

Wrye has never sharpened his tongue 

Wrye has never sharpened his wits 

Wrye has never shaved a point perceptibly 

Wrye has never shied away with abruptness 

Wrye has never shined up monkeys 

Wrye has never shivered his timbers 

Wrye has never shivered in his heart 

Wrye has never shored up a weak argument 

Wrye has never shot a menacing glance 

Wrye has never shot for the moon and missed 

Wrye has never shot many fish in a barrel 

Wrye has never shouldered another’s burden 

Wrye has never shouted hallelujah twice 

Wrye has never shoveled out Augean stables 

Wrye has never shown his thing in public 

Wrye has never shrugged only one shoulder 

Wrye has never shrunken enemy heads 

Wrye has never shuffled off to buffalo without cause 

Wrye has never shunned plagiarism 

Wrye has never sided with the enemy 

Wrye has never sidled up to a good thing 

Wrye has never sifted the sands of time 

Wrye has never signed his life away 

Wrye has never signed on a bottom line 

Wrye has never simmered down 

Wrye has never simmered on a back burner 

Wrye has never sincerely sincere 

Wrye has never single-handedly created a stir 

Wrye has never siphoned off funds 

Wrye has never situated himself strategically 

Wrye has never sized up golden opportunities 

Wrye has never sized up the enormity of it all 

Wrye has never sketched out in broader outlines


Wrye h ever parted company graciously 

Wrye has never participated in a blood bath 

Wrye has never participated in parthenogenesis 

Wrye has never passed a stranger in the night 

Wrye has never passed along good advice 

Wrye has never passed as a friend of man 

Wrye has never passed gd and collected 

Wrye has never passed muster frequently 

Wrye has never passed the ammunition 

Wrye has never patterned himself on a saint 

Wrye has never paved the way for justice 

Wrye has never peeked at his summit 

Wrye has never peeled his eyes or kept them peeled 

Wrye has never perfected infamy 

Wrye has never perishingly forbidden 

Wrye has never permitted a wide margin for error 

Wrye has never perpetrated a massive hoax 

Wrye has never personally met a subhuman 

Wrye has never petered out exhaustedly 

Wrye has never philandered on Sundays 

Wrye has never picked nits 

Wrye has never picked up where he left off 

Wrye has never pieced together a cabal 

Wrye has never piled insults upon injuries 

Wrye has never piled on top indiscriminately 

Wrye has never pinched bear fannies 

Wrye has never pined away dolefully 

Wrye has never pined for the hills 

Wrye has never pissed directly into the wind 

Wrye has never pitted himself against all comers 

Wrye has never placated a silent minority 

Wrye has never planned to meet his maker 

Wrye has never planted seeds of insurrection 

Wrye has never played a monkeyshine 

Wrye has never played and won a love game 

Wrye has never played close to his chest 

Wrye has never played footsie with frumpets 

Wrye has never played hard to get 

Wrye has never played his own kazoo 

Wrye has never played hooky barefoot 

Wrye has never played impractical jokes 

Wrye has never played musical chairs 

Wrye has never played on the pipes of pan 

Wrye has never played opossum 

Wrye has never played out the last act 

Wrye has never played patsy among con artists 

Wrye has never played pocket-pool in public 

Wrye has never played the consummate fool 

Wrye has never played the devil’s advocate 

Wrye has never played the golden horn


Wrye has never played the tragedian 

Wrye has never played the trump card out of turn 

Wrye has never played to the gallery 

Wrye has never played upon words, much 

Wrye has never pled for goodness and mercy 

Wrye has never plied with aphrodisiacs 

Wrye has never plucked a vibrating string 

Wrye has never plucked defeat from certain victory 

Wrye has never plumbed the very depths 

Wrye has never plummeted earthward 

Wrye has never poached on government lands 

Wrye has never pocketed the eight ball 

Wrye has never pointed the accusing finger 

Wrye has never poisoned the atmosphere 

Wrye has never polarized congenial debates 

Wrye has never pole vaulted into prominence 

Wrye has never polished an apple with saliva 

Wrye has never polluted troubled waters 

Wrye has never pondered rhetorical questions 

Wrye has never popped a question 

Wrye has never positioned himself asymmetrically 

Wrye has never positioned himself for a killing 

Wrye has never post operated 

Wrye has never potted a plant 

Wrye has never pounded a telegraph key 

Wrye has never pounded home a point 

Wrye has never poured vinegar on wounds 

Wrye has never practiced mid-wifery in the open 

Wrye has never practiced necromancy 

Wrye has never practiced pagan rites 

Wrye has never practiced penitence 

Wrye has never practiced preaching 

Wrye has never practiced the martial arts 

Wrye has never praised bees 

Wrye has never prated platitudinously 

Wrye has never prayed for rain, sleet, or snow 

Wrye has never preconceived notions 

Wrye has never predestined his fall to sin 

Wrye has never predicted a major earthquake 

Wrye has never prefaced his remarks 

Wrye has never preferred blondes 

Wrye has never preferred common stock 

Wrye has never prepared a table before him 

Wrye has never pretended anonymity 

Wrye has never pretended immodestly 

Wrye has never pretended omnipresence 

Wrye has never pretended penury 

Wrye has never pretended to a throne 

Wrye has never pretended to be something he was not 

Wrye has never prevaricated professionally


Wrye has never prevented an eclipse 

Wrye has never preyed on his knees 

Wrye has never preyed upon human foibles 

Wrye has never prided himself before falling 

Wrye has never primed time 

Wrye has never printed deleted expletives 

Wrye has never proclaimed joyous tidings 

Wrye has never professed equanimity 

Wrye has never professed profound ignorance 

Wrye has never profited from gross errors 

Wrye has never prohibited trespass 

Wrye has never promised land 

Wrye has never promoted cannibalism 

Wrye has never pronounced anathema 

Wrye has never propheted in his hometown 

Wrye has never proposed a final solution 

Wrye has never proposed draconian measures 

Wrye has never protected his rear 

Wrye has never protestethed too much 

Wrye has never pulled off a big one 

Wrye has never pulled the final plug, yet 

Wrye has never pulled wool over eyes 

Wrye has never pumped blood whole-heartedly 

Wrye has never pumped iron 

Wrye has never pumped out a stomach 

Wrye has never punched holes in an argument 

Wrye has never purchased a pig in a poke 

Wrye has never pursed his lips menacingly 

Wrye has never pursued foolish endeavors and pursuits 

Wrye has never put a shoulder to the wheel 

Wrye has never put down revolts 

Wrye has never put his foot down finally 

Wrye has never put his left foot in his mouth 

Wrye has never put his proboscis near a grindstone 

Wrye has never put his sock on the wrong foot 

Wrye has never put it to the test 

Wrye has never put the fear of god in man 

Wrye has never puttered around unproductively 

Wrye has never questioned logical positivists 

Wrye has never questioned the unified-field theory 

Wrye has never quizzed spelling bees 

Wrye has never railed against a gross injustice 

Wrye has never railed at the monstrousness of it all 

Wrye has never raised a glass on high 

Wrye has never raised the roof very much 

Wrye has never raped a Sabine nor a lock 

Wrye has never ratted on a miscreant 

Wrye has never re-invented a wheel 

Wrye has never reached for a star 

Wrye has never reached for an apogee



Wrye did little note, nor long remember the mordacious mumblings of meretricious misologists 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the morose morning mourning of mourning doves 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the mouldy memory of mankind’s malignant fall 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the nugatory noisomeness of nymphomania 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the pandering panoply of pubic panegyric 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the parasitic pretension of preying preachers 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the penultimate persiflage of platitudinous pleonasms 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the prurient profligacy of putrescent postulations 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the pusillanimous pussyfooting of pederasts 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the recurrent regurgitations of resurgent volcanos 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the reprehensible recrudescence of righteousness 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the smutty smirks of slatternly sluts 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the soporific somniloquy of somnolent sophists 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the sordid subterfuges of surreptitious sodomites 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the squalid scrofulousness of sententious sermonizers 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the symbiotic symbiosis of subjective stoicism 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the tautology of tenebrous trepidation 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the ultimate ugsomeness of ulterior unction 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the unconscious consummation of unconsummated lust 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the vibigerations of verbose voluptuaries 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the vicissitudes of verminous varmints 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the wailing of wanton wall-eyed wimps 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the woebegone wilderness of whiskey less whimsy 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the yammering of yellow bellied yahoos 

Wrye did little note, nor long remember the zeitgeist of the zentury